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Ever since Alexa had gotten kidnapped all those years ago, i''ve always had a empty piece of my heart that cried for her. I didn't know if she was alive or dead. I knew nothing and that's what hurt the most. 

I sigh and clip my hair back. A smile spreading on my face when i think i'm about to meet my daughter. My only daughter.

"Sei bellissima amore mio"
( You look beautiful my love)

I turn around and kiss my husband. "Grazie"

" I can't believe in a little while, i'll get to see my daughter. Our daughter. Dominic said she looks a lot like me." 

Roberto kissing my nose, wrapping his arms around my waist " She'll be as beautiful as you. Luca said she's a little trouble maker."

I raise my eyebrows " Just like you and your sons."

"Hey! We're your sons too Mama!" 

I turn and see Luca poouting with his arms crossed. 

"Cockblock" Roberto mumbles. My eyes widen before i slap the back of his head.

"Dad. Kids are made to be cockblockers. No matter how old we get" Luca smirks

I laugh and watch as Roberto gets his brush and is about to throw when he stops and nods "Fuck, can't argue with that. All of you's were!" Roberto laughs

"Mama, Papa, let's go" Dominic comes in and raises his eyebrows

"What's happening?" 

" I was being a cockblocker" Luca smirks. Then frowns and shivers " What the fuck. Ew" 

" Always knew he was slow" Roberto shakes his head

"Am not! It just clicked i was being a cockblocker to my own parents, one thats nasty, second EW" 

"Shut up and get out my room before you loose your eyes" Roberto threatens

"MAMA" Luca whines

"Aaaaawh" I coo "Roberto stop threatening our son or you'll be sleeping on the couch"

I go to hug Luca and raise my eyebrows as i see Roberto standing there wide eyed. 
"Mi Amore" he stutters.

"Si?" i question

"Papa is just fustrated you called him on his bs Mama." Luca snickers

"Am not! Roberto denies.

"Mama, we need to go" Michael comes in and looks at us weird but shakes his head and mutters a little "I won't even ask"

" Is she there?" Roberto asks. I turn to Michael, keen for his answer.

"Si, our men are surrounding the pool area and outer side." Michael answers.

"Let's go then!" I squeal. I finally get to see my daughter after so many years. We all make our way down to the pool and i scan around trying to see. Find my Vita. (Life)

"Mama. Lei e li."  (She's there) Luca nods his head towards a girl in a yellow bikini. She's got black hair like me.  Grey Hazel eyes. She looks like me. But like Luca. 

Tears fill my eyes as i watch my daughter lay on the chairs near the pool watching someone. Who's she watching? I look to see where she's looking.

"Quella e sua nipote Amy. La donna con lei e Alexas sorella in law" Dominic whispers.
(That's her niece Amy. The woman with her is Alexas sister-in-law)

"Mia figlia e cosi bella" Roberto breathes. I look and see tears in all of our eyes.  She's the missing piece. She's family.
(My daughter is so beautiful)

We all take a seat around a table an watch in awe as Alexa laughs at Amy. A man joins Amy and her mother.

" Suppongo che il padre di Amy?" Roberto asks

"Si" Dominic answers.

"Dobbiamo avvicinarchi a lei ora?" I ask
(Shall we approach her now?)

"Mama. Mi ha gia visto, Dominic e Luca. Andiamo prima e la porteremo da te."
(She's already seen me, Dominic and Luca. Let us go first and we will bring her to you.)

"Si. Go" Roberto agrees

I watch as my sons approach our daughter.

"Such a pretty sight no, all our children all together" I whisper, hands to my face.

"Si. Our family will be complete" Roberto kisses my forehead. I look into his eyes and whisper "I love you" and smile satisfied as he replies he loves me too.

"Mama" A throat clears. I look away from Roberto and see Alexa is already standing with the boys looking at me and Roberto with a look of adoration

"You guys are hella cute" is the first thing she says.  I smile and get up pulling her for a hug."Hi Sweetheart, thank you!" She looks taken back by my hug but still wraps her hands around me.  We pull back and Alexa's staring at me eyes narrowed.

"Um. Are you okay, your eyes-" She starts but Roberto butts in " You remind her of someone, you guys look alike so she got a bit emotional when she saw you." Alexa nods in understanding 

"Well Alexa, this is Laura and Roberto. Our parents!" Luca eargly says. My eyes widen at his double meaning but nobody says anything.

"Hey, Nice to meet you guys"  She smiles. I look at her in awe. So natural. So real. I'm so happy to know she isn't cakefaced.

"It's nice to meet you Alexa. The boys told us what happeed in the monring, your a prankster huh" Roberto speaks up

"Oh god haha. Well Liam, my cousin was being annoying so what better way to annoy him back then to put makeup on him and write on his chest, am i right" Alexa smirks

I burst out laughing before high fiving her "That's my girl" I laugh.

"Do you want to join us for dinner?" Michael asks.

"She's going to have to decline" 

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