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I change into shorts and a t-shirt and throw myself on the bed.


I mumble a come in

"You look knackered!" Lucy laughs

" i am" I mutter turning around to look at her. I raise my eyebrow when i notive shes not alone.


Jason sighs and takes a seat.

"Lex. We need to talk."

I nod and motion for him to go ahead.

"You have to be in court the day after next. You need to say you didnt know it wasnt actually Damon who was buried. Thats the truth. Say, he didn't tell you anythin, that he just said he's in danger and had to run and to not tell anyone."

"But Jas, i already told Detective Douche I dont know, what if it gets brought up in court?"

"She's right love" Lucy rubs Jasons shoulder. "We can say she believed he really was in danger and didnt want to expose and bring further danger. We'll get it sorted Sis." Jason leans forward and gives me a kiss before walking out.

" Have you spoken to Grayson?" Lucy asks.

I slap my forehead and squeeze my eyes shut. " No. Fuck. I'll call him now."

Lucy nods and gives me a squeeze "We got your back hun" I nod and kiss Lucy's cheek.

As soon as she leaves the room i call Grayson

"Hey baby"

"Grayson" I breathe

" You okay love?" Grayson asks concerned.

"Mhm. I'm coming back home tomorrow. Jeremy came here. Courts orders i gotta go back. They know i knew Damon was alive. Jason has a friend at the station, they have a picture of us together a month after his funeral" I sigh rubbing my head

"That prick came to Brazil. Fucking idiot. Baby don't you worry , i'll be waiting for you when you come back alright. We'll get through this. I'll get my lawyers on this."

I nod "Thanks Baby. It just sucks cause now that the cops know he's alive i'm sure that stupid gang will know soon too. He's in more danger then ever."

"Baby don't cry alright love. I'll make sure Damons fine. I'll call him from a burner phone yeah?"

" I still have one. You know where it is" I sniffle

"Yes baby, I'll go straight away alright"

"Kay, I love you"

"I love you too babygirl. No more tears. Get some sleep"

Damon and I have been friends ever since I could remember. We've always been there for each other. Especially when I was raped. I was broken. I didn't want to tell anyone. I didnt want to do anything. I felt dirty. So i did what i thought i needed to do to make it go away. I attempted to jump from a bridge. Damon reached there on time though. He saved me.

It was because of him i understood I am not dirty. I wasnt at fault. I was a victim. I could choose to let it define me and mess up my life or i could use it to make me stronger, get justice and put him behind bars. And thats what i did. With the help of my family of course. With Damons support I was able to tell them what had happened.

There was a lot of tears, a lot of threats made. Jason, Rick and Liam even put him in a freaking coma. He survived and was sent to prison though.

Since then, Damon had helped me lots. I became stronger both mentally and pshyically, i became confident and help out other victims.

With these thought's i fell asleep but wake up to Jason shaking me.

I slowly rise and lean against the headboard. "I'm up"

"Damon's been proved innocent"

That gets my attention. I open my eyes and jump out of bed.

"Wh-what. How? What's happened!?"

"I'll tell you." Jason replies.

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