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"No you totally cheated" I laugh as Gray picks me up and twirls me around "I did not" he chuckles

"Liar" I scoff as he brings me down and gives me a kiss "I'm just awesome, and a winner, dont be jealous"

"Your not a winner"

"I got you haven't I, that makes me the luckiest winner ever" he whispers

"You realise we're still here" Dominc mutters in digust

"Yes. I'm here. Your there, Jasons behind you and oh, Damons right next to you" I chuckle

"Lexi, stop annoying him" Damon rolls his eyes

"He started it" i narrow my eyes at Nik and smirk " You look a bit fustrated Nik, you okay?" i ask with double meaning and the way he's glaring at me shows he understood

"Walk on" He growls as I burst out laughing

"Lexi, leave the poor guy alone." Lucy comes towards us

I pout

"What times your flight?" Lucy asks Laura "In a few hours, we should go and pack" she gives me a hug     " It's been a pleasure Hun, definetly meet up soon"

We all say our goodbyes and head our ways. I get into the car with Gray and Damon and notice he's quiet.

"What's up?"

He shakes his head and starts driving "Honestly I kinda like Dominic"

"Oh really" I laugh "I never would of noticed"

He rolls his eyes "he's very blunt though, he's told me he's attractive to me, I am to him too but long distance, is that something I can do? He doesn't seem the type to message every couple minutes either"


"I know that sounds clingy but like his attention is something I want I just don't know if going forward is that gonna be something I'm gonna have to chase"

"Hey look, I totally ship you guys, if he makes a effort you should too, but if he doesn't don't go chasing him it wouldn't be worth it. Long distance is hard like that you don't know what the other is thinking or doing"

"Yeahh I agree" he nods

"I think he would put a effort though, he defiantly likes you" Gray smirk

"Who wouldn't? I'm awesome?"

"Of course you are" we both roll  our  eyes

"You both are lucky your set for life, I'm getting old and grey and gonna die single" he fake cries

"Yh your right about that" Gray smirks

"Dude why you even here, where's your car?" Damon asks

"Garage, and anyways I was near the arcade it was walking distance so why not" he shrugs

In 30 minutes we're near Grays house. "Babe you staying?"

I nod "I'll stay the night"

I get out and spud Damon linking arms with Gray walking into his house.

"You want a drink love?"

"Yes please, just gonna change"

I run up and go straight into Grays wardrobe taking his joggers and tshirt before tying my hair up and removing my makeup.

I head on downstairs and sit near the fire pit waiting for Gray

"Here baby"

"Gray, what do you think of the Russo's"

"They're lovely, I can tell they care about you a lot in such a small amount of time"

"Yeah i noticed that too, its cute really. Laura said i remind the boys of their late sister. i look a little like her or something"

"Oh really" Gray says lost in thought

"Yeah, its cute really" I yawn tired from todasy events. After arcade we had some early dinner and lets just say its put me in a mood to sleep

"Lets go to bed babygirl" Grays leans forward and throws my over his shoulder 

"Gray" I laugh

"What!" he smirks

"At least get the cups"

"The maids will get it" 

"Gray" I warn

"Ugh" he turns back around grabs our cups and takes them into the kitchen

"Good boy" I purr slapping his ass

"Darling, don't start something you can't finish, you need to sleep not be fucked like a ragdoll" He smirks

"Ass" i mutter

The next thing i know im getting my ass slapped "Gray!" i whine

"Oh sorry my love, thought you said you wanted your ass slapped" he laughs

"Sure you did" 

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