Chapter 13

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⚠️ Warning - Strong language, another sad one.


Moon Jo's POV-

Sitting on the floor right next to the glass, I lean my head against the wall as I shut my eyes.

"Well...I think you did the right thing. I would've done the same shit too if I saw the chance." Jae-hyun speaks up.

I had just spoke to him about the other day, explaining what I did to Min-Ho and why.

I hear him shift around as he too sits on the floor by the glass in his cell, leaning against the wall.

"Y/n must have meant a lot to you." He says.

I open my eyes, now staring at the wall in front of me.

"...Did you love her?" He asks

Hearing his question instantly made something in me begin to ache.

Biting my lip, I look down at the ground as I nod slowly.
"Yeah." I respond lowly, then look over at him.
"Yet I realized that too late."

Jae-hyun gives me a sympathetic look just before I turn away again, a weak laugh escaping my lips as I face the wall in front of me.

"I didn't know how much I needed her until now." I say lowly, the faint smile on my face quickly disappearing.
"...I would've done anything to protect her...I tried so hard."

"She deserved so much more, and I tried to give her all that I could...but in the end, maybe I was wrong for it." I continue.

The ache in me began to only grow stronger as I kept speaking.

I felt so empty...broken.

"Maybe she would've been better off without me.." I say lowly before sniffling, tears beginning now streaming down my face.

"Moon Jo..." Jae-hyun starts, yet I cut him off.

"A part of me wishes she just would've walked away from me when she had the chance...just so she'd still be alive..somewhere ya know?" I say, looking over at him with blurry vision due to my tears.

"But she stayed...she trusted me," I continue, looking away as I shrug.
"and at this point...I don't even understand why."

I bit my lip again as I stare at the ground, my head now overcrowded with feelings and emotions I tried so hard to push away.

"..As much as I wanted to believe I was good for her...I can't help but remember that I hurt her too...made her cry...she was so terrified of me." I say, continuing to silently cry.
"So why did she stay?...why would she do that?" I exclaim, now looking over at Jae-hyun.

Yet he only looks at me with a similar broken expression like mine, falling speechless for a moment as I looked away.

"...because she loved you too, Moon Jo." Jae-hyun speaks up.

Hearing that made me instantly huff out, feeling every last bit of strength immediately vanish from my body.

"Regardless of what you may have done to her, in the end she still chose you." He says.
"She saw something in you. Something she didn't want to let go."

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