Chapter 29

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⚠️ Warning - The heat is BUILDING,,,


Y/n's POV-

(The Next Day...)

Stirring lightly underneath the blankets, you begin to slowly open your eyes to adjust to the brightness around you.

That's when you realized you still felt Moon Jo's arm wrapped securely around your waist, now being unable to contain your growing smile as you place one of your hands over top of his.

Sighing into the comfort of this position, you then decide to slowly turn around within his hold, now being able to look up and face his beautifully resting features.

It was then that you were able to notice just how truly at ease Moon Jo appeared in this moment, sleeping peacefully by your side.

Now raising your hand to gently place on the side of his face, you then begin to lightly stroke your thumb along his cheek.

Being close to Moon Jo has always managed to put you at ease, yet that was especially true in this moment here.

You then began to remember that the last time you'd ever felt this at peace within yourself, was when your father was still alive and by your side.

Not a single day had passed where he didn't cross your mind, nor a moment where you didn't miss him.

He was your peace, your only reason for being able to have something to smile about each and every day.

But when he passed, you had come to accept that you'd never be worthy of experiencing that same feeling again, especially when you had felt at fault for its loss...

and yet here you are.

You realized then that the very same void left in your heart due to your father's death, had now been replaced by Moon Jo's warmth.

He had completed you, made you whole again.

It was almost as if he had managed to bring you back to life...

and in your eyes, he did.

The passing of your father, being as unbearably painful as it was, you knew now had led you into the arms of Moon Jo...

Within losing your father, you had gained him.

Moon Jo had now become your peace, your home, and unlike what you were able to do with your father, you would stop at nothing to make sure you'd never lose him again.

No matter what you'd have to do...

Now allowing your gaze to fall upon his pretty lips, you watched as your thumb trailed down to softly swipe his bottom lip.

A quickly growing feeling inside of you just wanted to reach up and kiss him right then, but you knew he needed this time to rest.

Yet along with this feeling, you also weren't oblivious to the fact that Moon Jo and you had allowed yourselves to become more intimate with each other as of late...

and in all honesty, it was almost shocking to realize just how easy and natural it felt for you.

Biting your lip weakly, you then began to acknowledge that not only were you comfortable with this level of intimacy you've already reached with Moon Jo...

but you had also begun to want more.

That feeling alone was then enough to truly shock you.

With everything you've been through in the past regarding that topic, whether the events had been completely against your will or rather just unwanted after the fact, you didn't think you'd ever be comfortable enough to feel this way towards anyone...

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