Chapter 24

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⚠️ Warning - Strong Language


Hee Joon's POV-

Now sat in the exact same spot in the middle of the couch I pulled myself into a few hours ago, I stare blankly out at the black screen of the TV in front of me.

I just couldn't bring myself to do anything more at this point, as if my body had just completely shut down.

I still sat in the same blood stained clothes, Min Ho's blood now dry and cracked all over my hands.

I knew at this point my eyes must have been red and puffy by now, but it didn't stop my now burning tears from still silently flowing down my face.

I could still hear Min Ho's screams...the images of his corpse in my arms still running rampant through my mind...

~ Flashback ~

"HE'S MY NEPHEW!" I yell, barging through the front door and into the house...

yet I somewhat almost wished I hadn't.

Looking to the side, I then fell straight to my knees...seeing Min Ho's mutilated corpse before me.

I instantly felt my heart stop as my breathing hitched, my tears now beginning to stream down rapidly once again.

"Sir you-" an officer starts, yet stops just as I crawl over to Min Ho's body, grabbing him and holding him close.

My sobs were quiet at first, yet immediately began to burst out of me.

~ Flashback end ~

Inhaling shakily as I tried to shake the thought away, my phone then abruptly started to ring.

Blinking a few times, I finally reach into my pocket and grab my phone, not bothering to look at the caller ID and just accepting it.

"Y-Yes." I say, my voice now dry and hoarse.

"Min Ho? Where are you now?" I hear a mans voice say.

"...Who is this?" I say, my mind still drawing a blank as I blinked quickly again.

"It's me, Chan!" The voice says.

Then it instantly clicks, my mind now becoming clear as I quickly sit straight up, sniffling and wiping away my tears.

Detective Chan's POV-

"Me and a few others in the department started looking around the house and we found something I think you should see..." I say, stepping out of the house and taking in some clean air.

Hee Joon's POV-

"How soon can you be here?" He continues.

Getting up quickly, I sniffle once again before speaking.

"I'm coming now, I'll be there in a few minutes." I say.

"Alright." Chan says before I hang up, putting my phone back in my pocket and rushing towards the door.

Yet just as I place my hand on the doorknob, I finally take another look down at my clothes and realize I had to change.

Looking to the side, I see one of my hoodies still hung up on the coat rack by the door.

It would have to do.

Immediately taking off my blood stained jacket and shirt, I quickly pull on the hoodie and finally exit my home.

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