Chapter 17

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⚠️ Warning - Strong language


Min Ho's POV-

Working late at the office, I sigh lowly as I look out the window and into the night sky.

My mind had never stopped racing with uneasy thoughts, especially with knowing that Y/n was no longer in the psychiatric hospital.

~ Flashback ~

Taking a deep breath, I exhale shakily as I look back up at him, beginning to shake my head.

"Hee Joon-" I start

"Don't. This has nothing to do with you." He starts, coming over to me.
"She's alright now. But I don't know how long that will stay that way." He finishes

I look up at him.

"Her mother checked her out of the psychiatric hospital too." He continues.

~ Flashback end ~

Knowing she's back out there still in that mindset she had with Moon's bound to cause trouble.

There isn't a doubt in my mind that she will try to find her way back to him, which won't end well.

Sighing again, I turn back towards my desk and place my head in my hands.

I then hear Hee Joon make his way into the office, back with the coffee he went to go get us both.

"Everything alright?" He asks as I lift up my head and face him.

"Yeah." I say lowly as he hands me my coffee.

"You sure?" He asks again as I take the cup.

Nodding, I take a sip of my drink as he keeps his uncertain gaze on me.

His phone then suddenly rings, causing him to sigh as he walks over to his desk and sits down.

Setting my cup down, I look over at him as he takes a sip of his coffee and pulls out his phone.

"Who is it?" I ask.

He looks at the caller ID and sets his cup down before looking over at me.

"Dr. Jong-woo." He says.

"Put him on speaker." I say as I stand up and go over to his desk.

Hee Joon then answers the phone, putting it on speaker.

"Dr. Jong-woo, is everything alright?" He asks.

Dr. Jong-woo's POV-

Sat at my desk, I hold the phone to my ear as click the pen in my hand over and over again.

"No, not at all." I say, looking around my office.

Hee Joon's POV-

"What happened?" I ask, looking over at Min Ho with the same confused expression as him.

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