Chapter 6

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**Updated Characters List!**


Min Ho's POV-

~ Flashback in his POV ~

Struggling to keep a hold of Moon Jo, I look up to see Y/n managing to free herself from the grips of the cops holding her

She quickly reaches for one of their guns and aims it towards the opposite side of the room where the other cops and I are with Moon Jo

I knew I had to do something, and fast or else who knows what could happen

"She's got a gun!" I scream out as I raise my gun at her

Then I shot

Reality set in only seconds later as I saw exactly where my bullet had landed

Y/n dropping the gun as she stares down at Moon Jo with wide eyes, then looking down at her shirt

I shot too high...I...

She then looks back up before collapsing on the ground

That's when I felt my heart if the breath had been ripped from my lungs

I...I killed h-

~ Flashback over ~

Waking up abruptly, I sit up quickly as I inhale sharply

The pain in my arm sets in moments later as I groaned slightly at the pain

Placing my hand gently over my wound, I exhale deeply as I shut my eyes

I haven't been able to sleep since the incident...and when I do, it's always the same nightmare waking me back up again

I shot too high, I could have killed her

But I needed to act fast...

Shaking my head slightly at the thoughts racing through my mind, I lay back down in bed as I stare up at the ceiling

I then look over at the window, squinting my eyes a bit at the brightness of the sun

That's when my phone suddenly starts to ring

Groaning as I reach over for my phone, I look at the caller ID

Hee Joon

Laying back down, I accept the call and bring my phone up to my ear

"Yes?" I say lowly

Hee Joon's POV-

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty, you alright?" I say as I look over some paperwork at my desk

I then grab my coffee and take a sip

Min Ho's POV-

"Yeah," I say before looking over at my clock
"Oh shit it's 12!" I say in shock

Hee Joon's POV-

"Yeah, I called you a few time's earlier, but you didn't pick up. Figured you were still asleep. Rough night?" I ask before sitting back in my chair, setting my coffee down

Min Ho's POV-

"Pretty much, couldn't sleep." I say as I rest my hand on my forehead before running it through my hair with a sigh

Hee Joon's POV-

"Damn. Well listen, wrap your bandages up tight and make your way down to the office in a couple hours, I have something for you." I say as I look over at one of my coworkers

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