3. Choosing Fate

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*Mature language*

"You're the one who tried to kill me? Your queen?" Queen Blasaeda asked. "Why?"

"I was being paid to do so. Money is tough for us orphans," I responded. I was forced to be on my knees with my hands cuffed. This type of position in front of the royal subjects was supposed to manipulate the 'criminal' to believe that they were vulnerable and inferior.

Should I had brought up that her guard called me to terminate her? What if I- instead of playing around- shot her at the first snipe? Did they think about that? Idiots.

"Your father is a Knight," her personal guard pointed out. The Queen raised her hand to silence him, and he bowed his head in response.

"Adoptive," I clarified. "I need the money."

"I have decided upon your punishment," The Queen said. "You either face Public Execution II, or you redeem yourself then live here in the palace as my fiancé. You are in competition with four other bachelors in the city."

What the fuck?

"Y-your fiancé? You want a traitor as your fiancé?" I asked.

"You have to redeem yourself before you come to live at the palace, of course. However, if you agree to be my fiancé, you will be exempted from any severe punishment," she explained.

"I tried to kill you, and you want me to be your sex toy?!" I interrogated. I was highly suspicious of her. My face planted on the ground when one of the guards hit my back with the gun she was holding.

"She's your queen! Treat her with respect, pik!" she yelled, pulling me back to my previous position by my hair.

(Pik = bitch; language Blasaeda.)

"Stop!" The Queen yelled out. "Jeon Jungkook, decide your fate. You know how Public Execution II works."

There were three public executions: I- beheading, II- being sent off to another planet, and III- hanging. Public Execution II was extremely rare. Mostly because the criminal was sent to another planet. They were sent with limited resources to some exo-planet. It was a mystery as to what happened to those people. The planet they were sent to was rumoured to be either deserted or filled with bloodthirsty creatures. Both ways, the criminals' fates resulted in rumoured deaths.

No way in hell was I going to become that bitch's fiancé. "I'll take the execution," I said.

"Very well then," the Queen said, standing up. "Jeon Jungkook, you are declared guilty and sentenced to Public Execution II."

I knew I should have worn my lucky underwear!


"Son," the Knight greeted as he walked upon my cell. They threw me in the dungeon. I still had a bleeding calf, an injured shoulder and a sprained ankle. Reasonably, that didn't matter to them and they had forced me to walk to my cell.

"Hm?" I asked. I was ready for his speech of disappointment.

"How are you?" he asked. That threw me off. The last time he asked me that was when he took me to his home for the first time. He and his wife let me be in my assigned room until I was comfortable enough to leave. He had asked me this question when he came in to check up on me. I was 15 at that time.

"Fine," I mumbled.

"Why?" he asked.

"It was a distraction," I responded curtly. I could see the pain in his eyes, but I didn't show any remorse. I stopped caring about people when I was 18. "Shouldn't you be at home with your wife?"

"I figured I should be with my son when he needs me," his response was soft and full of affection.

"No, I'm good. You should go home," I said. I didn't need him, not anymore.

"Why do you hate your mother so much?" he asked.

"She's not my mother. Also, if you weren't so neglecting, you would know that she's a fucking bully," I snapped. "You're not my father either, so please leave."

He stared at me in sadness as one of the dungeon doors opened to reveal the royal doctor. "I called a doctor to take a look at your wounds," he explained. He stood outside the cell and waved off the guards that tried entering the cell with the doctor. Probably to restrain me just in case I attacked the doctor.

"Hi, I'm Miyoung. Your name's Jungkook, right?" the doctor asked.

"I'm 20, not a child. Just take the two bullets out already. Get it done with," I snapped. She simply smiled at me, which annoyed me. I rolled up my bloody jeans to give her a good look at the wound.

"Just trying to distract you from the pain," she said. "How many bullets?"

"Two. The same wound," I said. I watched her with cautious eyes as she dabbed the skin around the wound with some weird looking medicine. "What's that?"

"Saline solution. I will clean your wound with this. Then I'll use an anaesthesia injection to numb the area. Hopefully, you won't feel much pain when I'm pulling out the bullets," she explained. I hummed and leant back. I flicked my gaze towards my adoptive father. He was staring at my wound with pain in his eyes.

"Why are you still here?" I asked him, narrowing my eyes at him. I let out a yelp of surprise when the needle pierced my skin. She muttered a small apology and brought out a pair of tweezers. She waited for a few minutes. I took a deep breath as she inserted the tweezers. I squeezed my eyes shut in pain and bit my lip harshly as the tweezers poked around in the wound. A groan of pain escaped my lips as she pulled out the first bullet. Deep breaths.

"Obligation," my adoptive father said. "I need to make sure you're not going to hurt Miyoung. Queen's orders."

I scoffed and prepared myself for the second round of pain. The pain wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but that was probably because of the anaesthesia.

It didn't hit me until late at night that I was going to die the next day. And I was terrified.

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