38. Taking Control

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(The Jungkook in the picture definitely resembles the Jungkook in this chapter- minus the lipstick stains.)

(Warning: guns, bullets and blood)

Miyoung stormed into the room, angry as ever. I smirked at her. "So how was the DNA extraction?" I asked.

"Oh don't worry. We have more ways than one to obtain DNA," she retorted. She unlocked the door and two men with guns entered. I pushed Yoongi away from them and stood in a defensive stance. I knew how to snatch the guns, but I couldn't risk hurting Yoongi in the process. Even an ounce of DNA sample would allow them to do what they wanted. I backed up into the corner, Yoongi right behind me. Once I angled him out of danger, I lunged for the closest guy. They shot at me, but the bullets hit the wall behind me instead. They had really bad aim.

I controlled his movements by standing beside him and holding his hands that gripped the gun. I turned him and pulled the trigger to shoot his companion, instantly killing him. Then I elbowed him in the face, causing him to weaken his hold on the gun, and ripped the gun out of his hands. I shot him in the head and trained the gun at Miyoung who watched with wide eyes.

"Still think that you should have chained up Yoongi instead?" I asked, shooting her thigh. I didn't know how Yoongi would feel if I killed his mother, and it was clear that she had a powerful position in society. Killing her would be more troublesome than necessary. I felt a wave of satisfaction hit me as the bodies crippled to the ground around us. I looked back at Yoongi who was watching in shock. "We need you to fly us out of here. We can take your mother with us."

He nodded, still not recovered from his state of shock. I knew I would have to explain everything later. My skills in hand-to-hand and gun combat were way too advanced for someone who was only the son of a Knight. He stayed close behind me, burning a path for us, by lighting two lines of fire on either sides of us, so no one tried to fistfight us. The flames were low enough for me to shoot any armed enemy that tried to stop us. We left Miyoung back in the basement. I had kicked her wounded leg as we were leaving, to slow her down.

I could tell Yoongi was reluctant to kill, even avoided it. On the other hand, I didn't hesitate to shoot them dead. Once we were out of the house and in the street of the musty neighbourhood, Yoongi made a big circle of fire around us, the flames tall enough for him to morph into his dragon. Out of adrenaline, I didn't stop shooting the armed people who stepped out of their homes to stop us. I got on Yoongi's back, hoping that the way I balanced myself would prevent me from falling.

Once we were in the clearing, I lowered the gun and sighed. That's when I felt it. Sharp pain in my ribcage. I lifted my shirt a little to see the bullet wound, which unfortunately was not a through-and-through wound. My body was considerably weak from the poison, so healing would take longer. Moreover, if it was an Explosion Bullet, it would be harder for me to heal seeing as the bullet deforms upon impact because of a collapsible space within the projectile tip of the bullet.

"Jimin, I need some silver. Yoongi and I are on our way," I tried connecting to him. Although I was sure that I failed at doing so. I couldn't feel the link form like I usually did every time Jimin reached out to me.

"Yoongi, can you tell Jimin that I need some silver?" I called out to the dragon, who seemed to be flying speedily towards the North. I was unstable on his back, constantly moving to situate myself properly on his back. Yoongi swiftly flew down, making me yelp as my anxiety sparked when my hands couldn't grab on to anything for support. He landed in the middle of the forest, right by my ship. That was fast. Hitzor must have been a very small country. (It is the size of a state, so it doesn't take very long to fly over.)

Before I could demount Yoongi's back, he morphed, causing me to fall on the ground on my back. I groaned when my head also collided with the ground.

Yoongi turned around and crouched down beside me, stark naked. I sat up with his help and slowly removed my hoodie, exposing the white shirt underneath it. I handed the hoodie to him.

"What?" he asked. "Wait, you were shot!"

"No shit, detective," I commented. "Wear the hoodie, you're literally naked."

I preferred wearing hoodies that were big on me. So when Yoongi wore the hoodie, it was huge on him, and efficiently covered his goods.

"Jimin said that he, Namjoon and Seokjin will come and pick us up," Yoongi said, helping me lean against my ship. "My dragon can't fly for a while, the power dampeners must have affected my body."

I nodded, leaning my head back and closing my eyes. Once the adrenaline died down, I could feel the pain of the wound. It did go straight through my ribs, somehow not piercing any organs. Although the bullet did graze an artery. The blood was coming out in spurts with each beat of my heart and was bright red, which indicated it was an artery.

"Check for a first-aid kit on the ship. it should be in the cabinet with a grey 'X' on it," I instructed. Yoongi rushed inside. I looked down at my wound and actually felt relieved that the silver had not come out. Although, if I bled any longer, I was sure to lose silver. Once I lost silver, it would only take a few minutes until my death. I moved around, successfully locating the bullet. Yoongi handed me the silver translucent box. Fortunately, there was a pair of tweezers. "Heat the tip please."

The heat would help sterilize the tweezers. I flexed my torso, to make it easier as I slowly inserted the tweezers into the wound. I let out a loud groan of pain as the tweezers stretched and moved the tissues in my body. I had to get the bullet out to identify the type of bullet.

"N-no. We can wait for help. Nighter, don't-" Yoongi tried to stop me by frantically moving his hands back and forth. He wanted to stop me, but he knew if he moved my hand even a little, I could end up worse. I cut him off with a loud yell of pain. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jimin, Seokjin and Namjoon land.

I arched my back in pain as I slowly pulled out the bullet, trying to remain as still as possible. Yoongi watched in horror as I removed the deadly bullet. Once it was out, I slumped back, my vision slowly turning black as I tried to fight the sleep.

"I hate hospitals," I mumbled as Namjoon carefully picked me up in bridal style.

"We should make that your room at this point. Why do you always get hurt?" Namjoon asked.

"I'm a magnet for danger," I joked. Yoongi sat on Jimin's back while Namjoon and I were on Seokjin's. I could tell that it wasn't long until I would faint. "If t-the silver comes out, I will die w-within minutes."

Seokjin picked up his pace as Namjoon tightened his grip around me. "Can you tell how long until the silver comes out?" he asked.

"No," I mumbled, leaning my head on his shoulder. "I just need silver and my artery fixed. Tell Lana... she will do the surgery."

I didn't hear a response from Namjoon as my vision slowly faded out along with my consciousness.

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