7. Worst Mindset

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*Mature language*

^Jungkook's POV^

"Let me go!" I screamed for the nth time as two guards picked me up and carried me to some bedroom. They dropped me on the floor and walked away, closing the door behind them. I tugged at handcuffs, trying to slip then off my wrists, which were turning red from irritation. I ignored the pain from landing on my sprained ankle. I was sitting on the ground where they dropped me. I stupidly tried to push my foot against the chain connecting the handcuffs in hopes of the cuffs slipping off my wrists. "Ow. Bad idea."

I looked up when the door swung open. Namjoon, Seokjin and four other guys walked in. I pushed away from them until I hit the wall. "Don't worry bunny, we're not going to hurt you," Namjoon said.

"Stay away from me," I sneered. I looked at Seokjin. "Specifically you... you weirdo. You harassed me!"

"My intentions were not to harass you, I was trying to catch a whiff of your scent. We will explain everything if you let us," Seokjin proposed. He looked at my wrists as if he just realized I had them on. Did he really think his intentions excused his actions? That was the worst mindset I'd encountered, and I had encountered very treacherous conservative mindsets. "How about we all calm down? Maybe tomorrow we can discuss everything."

"NO! Just let me go!!" I screamed. I was a little drowsy from before, and the pain killers that the doctor gave me didn't help. I pushed myself further against the wall when the purple-eyed guy from before approached me. "B-back off."

I yelped when he pulled me closer to him by my ankles and weakly pushed against his chest when he leaned closer. He grabbed my wrists and in one quick pain-free motion, he snapped the chain connecting the handcuffs. He moved back once he was done and looked at Namjoon. "Namjoon," he said. Namjoon nodded and focused his eyes on the two metal rings on my wrists. I let out a gasp when the metal broke open and landed on my lap.

"What the-" I cut myself off as I stared at the broken metal pieces. "Who... what... why... What the heck?

"We will explain. For now, just get some rest," Seokjin said. With that, they all filed out of the room. I glared at the closed door. They weren't the smartest beings, were they? Did they really expect me to stay put like a Luka?

(Luka = trained dog; language Blasaeda.)

I got up from the floor, looking around the room for any resources that I could use for my escape. I just had to escape the country and make my way to the space shuttle. Reverse psychology: they wouldn't expect me to go there. They would assume that I would hide in a place I didn't know since Namjoon knew where the shuttle was. If I went to the shuttle, the probability of them finding me would be much lower if I roamed the streets in a disguise. It was a good thing my spatial memory was good, I had memorized the route to the palace from the shuttle. I simply had to follow that route as quickly as possible.

The bedsheets were loosely arranged on the bed, it was barely noticeable, you had to be very observant to notice the light crease lines on the edges of the blanket. Moreover, the pillows had dents, which only proved my hypothesis that I was in someone's room. If they were smart, they would have a weapon to protect themselves from any intruders. I rummaged through the bedside cabinets only to find useless things. No weapons. I had my dagger, but a long-distance weapon would be effective. These people were really careless with their lives.

I took the bedsheet and looked out of the window. It wasn't that high. I could use the bedsheet for a few and land on the narrow- but not too narrow- ledge. I could move along the ledge and to the water pipe. Then I could do the classic and climb down.


So I made a mistake. First, I undermined the pain that I would feel on my sprained ankle when I landed on the ledge. Second, they had guards patrolling the area. The worst thing was the fact that they had overlapping schedules. Third, my biggest mistake, I didn't notice that the water pipe was right beside the window of a room, which meant that I had to walk across the window. Although I doubted that someone saw me, it was a new moon, so it was pitch dark, and the lights of the room were off.

"I'll risk it," I mumbled to myself and dashed off in the direction of the nearest bush. Fortunate for me, the bush ran along the wall. I sighed in relief when I reached the gate. Unfortunately, there were two guards standing guard. I grabbed my dagger. Why did I have my dagger? Well, the Jupitarians figured it would be a better way to mock me if they sent me off with my dagger. Jokes on them.

I approached the guard closest to me and hit the butt of the dagger on his temple, effectively knocking him out. The second guard turned and started approaching me. I ignored the shock that flooded me when her eyes turned yellow and instead ran to her and did the same to her.

It was a good thing that I was agile and had high pain tolerance.

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