49. Confrontation

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"W-what- Of course I am her only son," Yoongi defended, his voice raising a pitch.

"Think about it: a sign of weakness in the community is embarrassment and humiliation. What's more embarrassing than a rebellious son? She had an elaborate plan to escape confinement. Then again, the cells are very easy to get out of if you can utilize what's around you. How did you capture her in the first place?" I asked.

"She visited town. Our patrols captured her and her followers on sight," Taehyung informed. "That was three years ago."

"Tell me, how did the most powerful person in the district get captured so easily?" I asked. "It was all planned. She had more than enough time to escape, yet she stayed. She wouldn't leave her district powerless for three years. There had to have been someone who was taking care of it in her place. She escaped after three years and took Yoongi and I. I was only a casualty, their target was Yoongi," I explained, putting pieces together as I spoke. "The only reason I can think of is that she wanted to connect you back to the community, which- by what you said- would be implausible unless it was to bring you back to the community."

"So whoever was in power during those three years no longer exists," Namjoon finished. "But what about Yoongi's powers? You said she wanted the DNA."

"I'm not sure, but the leader having the ability to create and control fire is definitely going to help whatever motive they have," I said.

"Correct," a foreign voice said, catching our attention. We stood up as Miyoung walked in. I unsheathed my dagger and gun while Jimin pulled me closer to him, his dark brown eyes glowing a shade of light-brown. "You're smarter than I thought. That's going to be a disadvantage, isn't it?"

"What are you doing here?" Seokjin asked, pushing Yoongi behind him. Namjoon, Hoseok and Seokjin stood protectively in front of Yoongi.

"As the human said, I'm here to abide by the rules," she replied. Taehyung threateningly moved closer to her. I held his wrist, pulling him back as more people entered the room. They were all armed.

"How did you get in?" Jimin demanded. I frowned at him.

"With everything happening, that's what concerns you?" I mind linked him. He let out a soft huff in response.

"That's not a cause of concern. I came here for a reason, I won't leave without getting what I want. Yoongi, you know what's going to happen if you don't cooperate, why don't you make it easier and come with?" she asked, rhetorically. "You can bring one of your mates along if you want. Whatever makes you cooperate, we can negotiate."

"I'm not going anywhere with you," Yoongi retorted.

"Taehyung, try manipulating their minds to turn on Miyoung instead. Brainwash them," Jimin opened a mind link between Taehyung, him and I. "I'll disarm them. By brainwashing them, we can reduce casualties. Jungkook... get ready to kill her."

"Jimin," Taehyung replied in a warning tone.

"We can't keep this up. Nighter's right," Jimin defended.

"This will start a war, Jimin. We don't need more bloodshed, avoid it. I won't kill her, I'll disable her. Is that okay?" I asked.

"Alright," he replied. Taehyung inhaled a sharp breath. I held his hand in encouragement while he focused on brainwashing the army of twenty armed were-dragons. I looked at him, entranced by the beautiful glow of his purple eyes. I snapped out of it when Jimin pulled me back. "Don't look at his eyes. That's how it works."

I looked at Miyoung, who took another step towards the four. "Jimin," I mumbled. "Now?"

"Now," he mumbled, motioning his hands as if directing his powers. The guns levitated, easily slipping from the loose careless grips of the armed men. I trained my gun at Miyoung and shot three times. One bullet went through her leg, one went through her hand and the third grazed her stomach. Accurate shots, as expected. She fell down on one knee, the dagger- she was holding in the arm I shot- dropped, and she held her stomach in pain.

Her men stood still and watched while she groaned in pain, bleeding profusely despite not injuring any vital organ or blood vessel. "KILL THEM!" she yelled, looking at them angrily. They looked at her in anger.

"They are our royals, we don't wish harm upon them. For the betterment of our country," a lady said.

"I am your leader. We can overthrow them easily. They aren't even willing to kill for you. They'll do anything to avoid bloodshed. They will go to the length of letting millions die just to keep their hands clean. They're not worthy of being your leaders. Kill them all. Except my son!" She yelled.

The people looked conflicted. I looked at Taehyung to see him slightly out of breath, his eyes flickering between the glow and dull of his eyes. "Taehyung, stop. It's okay," I said, soft enough only for him and Jimin to hear me. He tightened his hold on my hand as his eyes went back to their dull, yet dazzling shade of mauve. I moved to stand behind him so he could lean on me. He subtly did, and allowed me to place an arm on his waist to support him. "You did good. We'll take it from here."

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