17. Council

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*Mature language*

I winced as Taehyung had a firm grip on my wrist as he pulled me to the meeting I had no interest in going to. "Would you stop manhandling me?" I snapped at him. I ripped my arm out of his hold and glared at him as we followed Seokjin. We entered a room that reminded me of det rooms back in Jupiter.

(Det= conference; language Blasaedan)

"King Seokjin," the people sitting at the table greeted. They stood up and bowed ninety degrees. "Princes."

Seokjin and the other bowed back. "Elders," Seokjin greeted. Yoongi nudged my side with his elbow to motion me to bow as well. I did so.

Once we were all seated, the meeting started. All formalities were dropped once the discussion had started.

"Seokjin, this is a confidential meeting. Only the royal members are allowed to sit in this meeting," one of the old men said, glaring at me.

"He is a potential royal member seeing as he is our mate," Yoongi said, glaring at the man.

They looked taken aback for a moment but were quick to compose themselves. "Identify yourself," a woman ordered. I narrowed my gaze on her.

"Nighter," I responded. Another woman started flipping through a folder. It was silent as she searched.

"There is no person named Nighter registered," she said. "Are you playing games, boy?"

"I'm from Jupiter. Notice the accent? It's not from around here," I sassed.

"Nighter," Yoongi said, in a warning tone. I rolled my eyes.

"Is he not trained?" Guy 1 asked. "Seokjin, it is your duty to train him. This kind of behavior is not acceptable from a royal."

"What the fuck are you going after them for? They don't control my actions, I do. We met like two or three days ago, and you're after their necks. You don't see them nagging you about your near deaths, do you? Stop nagging them about the littlest things. Who the fuck do you think you are?" I snapped. I could feel their shocked gazes bore into my skull, but I ignored them. "Fucking assholes, the lot of you."

"How dare you speak to us like that?" Guy 2 yelled, standing up.

"It's pretty easy to talk to narcissists who try to hide behind the facade they set up by bullying others. Everyone knows that people like you are just a bunch of cowards," I retorted. "Maybe do some research before making such accusations."

"Seokjin! Control your mate!" The crazy lady with the folder said. Seokjin reluctantly turned to look at me.

"Seokjin, you touch me or even say anything, and I will beat the fuck out of you," I threatened. He pursed his lips and faced the Council members.

"He is royalty. The way you were addressing him was out of order. Refrain from doing this again, or face the consequences," Seokjin said.

"This is outrageo-"

"Deal with it," I snapped.


"Nighter, you have to control your anger," Seokjin said. The Council members stepped outside the room for a discussion.

"Fuck off," I snapped. I resisted the urge to stick to my word and punch him. My hand was literally twitching. "I'm being held hostage here. Don't expect me to be all lovey-dovey just because you're my mates. The bond means nothing to me."

"Personally, I enjoyed the meeting," Yoongi said. I fought back a smile. "I agree with everything Nighter said. They've been backseat driving the throne this whole time, and you let them. You're the king, not them."

"You know how the system works for the first five years. The Council evaluates the decisions I make, and I have to run all my ideas through them before acting upon them," Seokjin said.

"Your Highnesses," a guard greeted after entering the room. "The scouts have arrived with news."

"Thank you. Are any of them injured?" Seokjin asked. His face was stoic, and his voice was monotone.

"Two died. Five injured. One comes without a scratch bearing a message. The injured are with the medical team," the guard responded.

"I see. Thank you. I will be right with them. Provide them with the care they need to replenish their energy," Seokjin instructed. "You're dismissed."

The guard bowed and left. Seokjin stood up just as the Council walked in.

"Seokjin, are you leaving?" Lady with no folder asked.

"It's King Seokjin. It's in your vocabulary, use it," I snarked. Honestly, at that point, I was doing it just to spite them.

"Go clean your mouth with soap, boy. We are the Elders, you respect us, not the other way around," she said.

"Elders, my foot. You're just a bunch of old people trying to rule a country you have no authority or training in ruling." Jimin spoke up, surprising me. I thought they were all a bunch of pushovers.

"Let's all settle down. We have yet to finish a meeting, but I must inform you that the scouts are back with news. I must tend to them immediately," Seokjin said.

"Your scouts are being tended to at the moment. We can finish the discussion and then you can go to the news bearer," Guy 1 said. "Or maybe your new mate can go visit them. We don't need kids in a meeting meant for adults."

"Enough!" Seokjin exclaimed. I jumped in my seat at his sudden outburst. "Nighter is royal, and you will treat him as such. I will not tolerate my mate being attacked for simply speaking his mind. Disrespect any of my mates again, and I will personally escort you to the dungeon. Last I checked, you were not royalty, I can have you exiled from Hitzor."

"This is atrocious! What would your father think, Seokjin?" Guy 2 exclaimed.

"I don't know. He's dead. Maybe you go ask him. Nighter was right, you're all much closer to him than I am," Seokjin said. "I demand respect. I am your King. If I say we can have this conversation later, we will have this conversation later."

Not going to lie, that was hot.

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