69. Language(M)

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(I already know the comments for this chapter.)

"Hello Royce!" I said in a baby tone, rocking the little one in my arms when I got the permission to hold her from her parents.

"Donuts are do-" Yoongi started, but was cut off by Alex rushing past him, hitting the back of his head before disappearing around the corner. "Well, good thing I made more than a box. That brat's going to eat the entire thing."

"Well, she gushes on and on about the donuts her baby brother used to make when they were younger," Sangmi said. "I tried to make some, but they came out pretty bad. Same result when she tried."

"Well, the secret is that I use coconut oil instead of shortening," Yoongi chuckled. The baby giggled as I bopped her nose, her laughter creating a wide smile on my face.

"I'll keep that in mind," she replied.

"Why are you living out here instead of Serek?" I asked.

"We had to run when they came to Serek to hunt us down," Sangmi replied, her mate walking out of the kitchen with a mouth full of donuts, holding a glazed donut in one hand and an overflooding box of donuts in the other hand. "Alex, don't spill."

"But you can come back to Hitzor with us, right? They're not going to force Yoongi to become leader," I said.

"Royce is an heir by birthright. It's too big of a risk to go back," Alex replied.

"But if we get Seokjin to sign another contract-" I started, but Yoongi cut me off.

"It's different for heirs," he said. "It doesn't matter who the leader is now, Royce is still trainable."

Alex hit him upside the head again. He whined in pain. "Mind your language, dumbass. It's been about a year since you left that shithole, and you're still using that language," she snapped.

"And mindset," I mumbled, grabbing a glazed donut.

"And mindset?!" she asked, genuinely surprised. She glared at her brother who stared at her with wide eyes, slowly eating his donut. "What exactly had he done?"

I pursed my lips, surprised that she heard me.


^Taehyung's POV^

I woke up to Namjoon shuffling in bed behind me. He didn't want me to sleep alone, so he slept with me ever since Hoseok went into a coma. Jimin and Seokjin slept together at night if they weren't working.

"Joon," I mumbled groggily at the whimpering male.

"T-Tae," he groaned out, pushing himself against my back. I hummed in response, letting him know that I was listening. His arm wrapped around my stomach, his heavy breaths hitting the back of my neck.

Worried that he was having a nightmare, I turned around in his arms. He buried his face in the crook of my neck, kissing and sucking my neck. I hummed, running my hand up his shirt to comfort him. I was waking up by the minute. "Did you have a nightmare?" I asked, pulling him closer.

"I want a distraction," he mumbled.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?" I asked.

"Yeah. I just want a break from everything," he replied, rolling us to he was on top of me. He pulled away from my neck and looked at me in the dark. "Do you want this, or do you want to sleep?"

(Mature: 18+ scene. Skip the chapter <3)

"I want this," I breathed out and connected our lips, roughly kissing him as my hands tugged and ran through his hair. His hands stayed at my waist, his tongue dominating mine. Our hands moved in desperation and lust. We wanted more of each other, we wanted to express ourselves, but no matter how much we tried, would we succeed.

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