21. New Species

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"Now what?" I asked as Seokjin helped me off the horse. According to Yugyeom, we had reached the spot where the scouts were ambushed. However, there was nothing in sight. Just plain red land stretching to 3 miles. Seokjin and Yugyeom stuck close to me with their swords drawn. "Could have given me a gun at least."

"What could you do with a gun?" Seokjin asked.

"Oh I don't know, I was planning on roleplaying a spy movie. What the hell do you think I would do with a gun?" I snapped. Seokjin opened his mouth to retort but was interrupted when the ground shook a little. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him while I tried to steady myself. A cloud of smoke blanketed all of us, cutting our vision short. I hunched over as I coughed when my lungs rejected the smoke. Seokjin rubbed my back while the guards, along with Yugyeom surrounded the two of us, their swords held up high in defence.

"Kim Seokjin, it's a pleasure to meet you," a voice boomed through the rancid cloud that seemed to suffocate just me.

"Expose yourself," Seokjin's voice was full of authority as he tried to help me. "Let the smoke rise so we can have a full-fledged conversation."

Almost instantly, the smoke faded out and revealed a crowd of people with guns. Once I caught my breath, I stood up straight. "Oh, would you look at that? A gun-knife fight, how lovely," I muttered.

"Let's talk rationally. It's not like you can do much against guns," their leader said.


"So, what are you?" I blurted out the question when the awkward silence got a bit too overwhelming.

"Merpeople," he responded. His eyes were red with hues of silver.

"Merpeople? Like mermaids and mermen?" I asked.

"Yes. We have the power to control water and create illusions. You see plain land, but it's actually water. The only reason you're not drowning is that we are currently in an underwater cave. Every time your people roam near our lands, we control the water to create a path for them," he explained. "Pleasure to meet the oldest and the youngest royals of Hitzor. My name is Jeon Hyungsik."

"Jeon?" Seokjin asked. "I thought the Jeons went extinct twenty years ago."

"Well, that was to get the were-dragons off our asses. Your father, the previous king, tried to take advantage of our treaty and use our abilities to gain immortality. So we faked our extinction," Hyungsik explained.

"So why did you want to meet the two of us and not our other mates?" Seokjin asked.

"Well, you're the King. Meeting you is more sensible. As for your youngest mate, there is a special reason," he responded. Seokjin reached over and pressed my lower back to make me sit straight. I glared at him for touching me but didn't say anything.

"What's the reason?" I asked. Why was he beating around the bush? Couldn't he just say it?

"You're from Jupiter, and you're mated to the royals of Hitzor. What's your name?" King Hyungsik asked.

"Nighter," I responded.

"Your real name," he deadpanned.

"That's nobody's business," I responded. Seokjin nudged me and sent me a look as if telling me to behave.

"I see," he said. "I would like to propose a treaty. We've been watching your reign since you stepped up, King Seokjin. Although, it was disappointing to know that Hyungsae was caught. We meant no harm by sending a double agent, we simply wished to know if it were fine for us to form a treaty once again."

"What's the catch?" Seokjin asked.

"I would like to run some tests on your youngest. He is from a different galaxy, I would like to get to know the physiology of a Jupitarian," King Hyungsik asked.

"No way!" I yelled. "What is with people wanting to run tests on me? I'm not a lab rat! Keep your musty fingers off me!"

"Nighter, behave yourself," Seokjin said. He turned to the mermen, who was in his human form. "My mate is not going to be a victim of any experiments. If you wish for an official alliance, we can discuss that. However, I will not accept any of my people being taken advantage of."

^Seokjin's POV^

"I understand. I'm sure we can discuss King to King about an alliance," Hyungsik said. "Nighter and your guards can roam our lands."

"Your land? I thought it was just water?" Nighter asked. I held back a sigh when he talked informally with a royal.

"My mate, Gina, can help you out with that," Hyungsik said. The woman sitting beside him stood up and bowed.

"I'm Jeon Gina, the Queen of the merpeople. Nighter, follow me," she greeted. Nighter looked at me for confirmation and I nodded in approval. He knew that I would know best if it was safe to go with Queen Gina since I knew more about the merpeople than he did.

"What kind of treaty would we establish here?" I asked. I was nervous, but I didn't let it show it. This was the first time that I had to handle external affairs on my own, and I didn't want to mess it up.

"You're new at this, aren't you?" Hyungsik asked. "Don't worry, I'll guide you. You can drop the formality, we're of equal status, and hopefully potential allies."

I nodded and relaxed a little. "I do have to get back to my mates eventually. I don't want to worry them too much," I said. "I have a couple of questions for you."

"Yes, of course," he consented.

"Why did your people attack the troops that we sent out? We lost two warriors," I asked.

"Your warriors entered what-you-could-call, the dark side of our land. Regulation there is close to impossible, I barely had the power to order them to send your warriors home."

"What are the benefits of this alliance?" I asked. "If you can't regulate your own land, how do you plan on contributing to our strength?"

"We have resources. An extensive amount of resources that are more commonly found underwater," he said.

"What kind of resources?" I asked.

"Mainly fuel and underwater food supply. Also, I have a theory, but we might need Nighter for that," he said. I frowned as a wave of protectiveness washed over me. "If my theory is correct, then our alliance is assured with no risk of backstabbing."

"What's the theory?" I asked, trying to keep my dragon at bay. I had to work on controlling my dragon. Especially since Nighter was defenceless, he was more protective.

"He might be the long lost Prince of the merpeople."

^Jungkook's POV^

Yugyeom and I followed the Queen through the walls of their palace. "Is the palace underwater?" Yugyeom asked.

"Yes. But there is a part of the palace which is not. That's where we are right now," she explained. "It's really complicated. Not worth getting your mind twisted around it."

She took us to her kitchen. "I have a question," I said. "The Council was not aware of my relation to the royal members of Hitzor until we met them, which was the same day our scouts arrived from your place. How did you know about me?"

"We've known about you for a long time, Jungkook."

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