57. Nightmare

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I woke up to loud and frantic shuffles. Grabbing my gun which I placed beside my pillow and turned away from me, I sat up and aimed it at the center of my room. Not seeing any threat in the room, I lowered my gun and rushed to Yoongi's side.

"Hey, wake up!" I exclaimed loud enough to get to him through his nightmare. Keeping in mind that touching him would make him panic more, I made sure to not touch him. He continued thrashing around in his sheets, so I pinned him down so he didn't injure himself. I knew it would cause him to panic more, but it was important that he didn't hurt himself.

I made sure to not restrain him too tightly so he didn't dislocate any limbs. It took a few minutes until he calmed down. I knew better than to talk loudly while he was calming himself down.

"I don't want to. I don't want to," Yoongi mumbled, flinching and squirming. He was awake, but the nightmare was replaying in his mind. "I'm sorry. Please."

"Yoongi," I whispered. "You're alright. I got you."

"Don't hurt my mates," he mumbled. Taking note of his calm state, I moved to prop myself on my forearms, placing my hands under his shoulders.

"It's me, Nighter. You were having a nightmare," I said, softly.

"Nighter," he breathed out. As he started moving, I moved back and sat on the edge of his bed. "It- it was a nightmare?"

"Yeah. You're safe with me," I comforted, rubbing his back. He crawled on to my lap and sat down, straddling my waist. I wrapped my arms around his waist while he rested his head on my shoulder. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No," he mumbled. "I need a shower. I'm sweating."

"Want me to get the water running for you?" I asked. He nodded.

"C-can you... Can you stay in the bathroom with me? W-with your back turned to me of course," he stuttered out.

"If you're alright with it, sure," I replied, picking him up and walking to the bathroom.


"Jimin told us about why you became an assassin," Yoongi said, the shower soothingly streaming at a steady pace. Of course there was the occasionally disruptive screeching sound of the water running down Yoongi's body and clashing with the ground. "Have you ever missed?"

I was relieved that he didn't discuss it further. "Once," I replied. "Killed him with the second shot."

"Were you able to kill all your targets before being executed?" he asked.

"I had three left," I responded, my mood shifting instantly. I hated talking about the people I failed to kill. "Two women, one man."

"Except Lana, did you have any friends back on your planet?" he asked, continuing the conversation. I picked up on his determination to hear me talk to assure himself that he was not alone and safe. He pulled the curtain back a little. "Towel."

"I had one while I was in the orphanage," I started, giving him his red towel. "The one good thing my Queen did was punish my friend's father. He was a vile, abusive, narcissistic asshole. And a rapist."

"Did you..." he trailed off.

"No, he was locked up. Prison life on our planet is worse than death," I replied, leading the way back to his bed. I tucked him into bed, and sat beside him. In the dark he reached over and held my hand for comfort. "I was visiting my friend after work. I was... six, I think. We just wanted to play. He had one rule: I couldn't be at his house after 5:30 pm. I didn't question it. It was just that one day. We were goofing around and just lost track of time. His father came home just as I was about to leave. I was excited to meet his father. You could say I was a social butterfly. He beat him up in front of me, even hurt me. He was going to lock us up for 'punishment'. Nobody would care, his son would remain silent, and I was the lowest rank anyone could get. I escaped, dragged two cops to the house, showed them the proof. He was arrested on the spot and then thrown into prison after trial."

"Orphanage?" he asked.

"I'm adopted," I replied. "Which is why I was more open-minded when I came to know of the possibility of my parents being alive."

"What happened to your friend?" he asked. One thing I liked about Yoongi was that he didn't intrude into topics. He accepted the information he received and only asked questions that were superficial and for clarification.

"He lived in the orphanage with me," I replied. I sighed and patted Yoongi's leg. "Anyways, go back to bed. I'm right here if you need me."

"Cuddle?" he asked. "I'm too scared."

I hummed in response and slid under his blanket. "I'm not a huge fan of cuddles, so not too much," I said.

"Alright," he replied. "We don't need to cuddle, Your presence is enough."

I turned my back to him, letting him place his head on my shoulder and curl up against my back.

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