28. Argument

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(To clarify, I have nothing against people making up theories about a character becoming the bad person in the future chapters, I'm highly against people brushing off toxic acts and instead attacking a character they know nothing of, except the fact that they make another character happy.)

^Jungkook's POV^

"Lana?" I voiced out, moving past Namjoon. I held my dagger tightly. What was she doing here? She ran over and hugged me. I stood there in shock but instinctively wrapped my arms around her waist. "What are you doing here?"

"The Queen said I was a traitor for knowing your second job and not revealing it," Lana explained. "She said something along the lines of 'being with my boyfriend.'"

I sighed. Of course she did. "I met my mates," I whispered in her ear. "Six males. Royal family."

"Oh," was her response as she pulled away. "So... now what?"

"This is your girlfriend, Nighter?" Hoseok asked. My breath hitched when I remembered that two of my mates were right there. I turned around, keeping a protective hold on Lana.

"Y-yeah," I responded nervously. "This is Lana."

It was awkwardly silent for a while. I noticed Lana leaning a bit too much into me. I looked down and noticed that she was in pain. I picked her up bridal style to make it easier for her.

I turned my attention to my two were-dragon mates when one of them cleared their throat. "We should go back to the palace and talk with the others," Hoseok suggested. "Taehyung and Jimin are here. Namjoon, Nighter and I go together while Taehyung, Jimin and Lana can go together-"

"I'm going with Lana," I cut in. "She doesn't know what you guys are, and I doubt she'll be comfortable travelling with unknown men."

Namjoon clenched his jaw. "Very well, then. Let's go. Taehyung and Jimin are waiting at the entrance," he said through gritted teeth.


"Do you need something?" I asked Lana in a soft voice while we waited for Jisung and Kita. "Water? Silver?"

"No, I'm good," she said. I had already told her that no one knew my name. It took her a while to process that I was mated to shapeshifters, but eventually, she did. She actually reacted much better than I did when she found out that I was mated to six men.

"Where's Jisung?" I asked Seokjin, who was silently observing Lana and I.

"He's coming," Seokjin responded. "How long have you been together for?"

"About a year and a half," Lana said. I could feel myself getting nervous by the second. I was trying to distract myself by focusing on Lana, but I could still feel the intimidating stares of my mates.

"So how does this work now?" Yoongi spoke up. "Obviously Nighter and Lana can't be together. Nighter's our mate."

I bit my lip to hold back my anger and sadness. "Maybe if you reject me," I said in a small voice, knowing what was to come right after.

"Absolutely not!" Yoongi snapped. "Don't be delusional."

"Don't talk to him like that!" Lana defended me. My eyes widened, as I tried to stop her from going off at a royal. I whispered her name in a warning tone, but she ignored me. "Just because you're a royal, doesn't mean you can mistreat the people around you."

"I will throw you in the dungeon!" Yoongi growled.

"Do it then. I dare you," Lana snarled. I quickly stood up and put myself between the two.

"Stay back, Yoongi! Don't you dare lay a hand on her, any of you!" I growled out. "Stop attacking people who are clearly in no health to fight back."

Yoongi glared at me to make me submit, but I didn't falter. Lana and I made a promise to protect each other, and that's exactly what I was doing. It became a silent agreement that she would defend me in vocal situations since there were times my past would prevent me from defending myself. I would defend her physically if the situation called for it. She taught me how to verbally stand up to bullies, and I taught her how to fight. We both could defend ourselves but were always there to defend each other as well.

"Apologies for my tardiness," Jisung said, walking in. Yoongi and I stepped back to make way for the doctor. "So, what's your- oh!"

I watched Jisung's eyes glow a faint yellow when he made eye contact with Lana. "Is something the matter?" I asked him.

"I didn't think it was possible... What are the chances?" Jisung was mumbling. I frowned. "Mate."

My breath hitched in realization, my chest tightened in pain as my emotions welled up. I bit my lip hard, almost drawing blood. My breathing shortened. Lana always wanted a mate, whereas I didn't know if I did. I was willing to stay with Lana for the rest of my life, but I was also respectful that she would always choose her mate over me.

"What?" Lana asked.

"You're my mate. Well, you're Kita and my mate," Jisung clarified. "Where are you from?"

"Jupiter," Lana responded, looking at me. I avoided looking at her while my mind worked on coping with the inevitable breakup. Jisung started analysing her injuries.

"She needs silver," I said. "And rest."

Jisung looked at me. "Oh yeah. I can get that for you. You'll have to stay in the medical ward tonight," he said. "I'll be right back."

It was an awkward silence.

"Jun- Nighter," Lana sighed. "Look at me."

I slowly turned my gaze to look at her. "It's inevitable. You have two mates who I hope will treat you dearly, and I have six mates who I can't escape," I said, knowing that my mates were standing behind me. I clenched my jaw mentally scolding myself for being too soft. "How is he?"

She knew who I was talking about. "Divorced, and debunked a rank after your execution," she said. I nodded. It was all my fault. I ruined my father's life. I always managed to ruin something or the other. "One more night?"

A dry chuckle left my mouth. "I doubt I'll be allowed," I said. "I want to."

"One night is alright," Jimin spoke up, understanding what Lana was referring to. I looked down at the floor. I dreaded not the breakup, but what would happen after. Would I be allowed to interact with Lana without any supervision of some sort?

Would Lana distance herself because she and I dated and because her mates disagreed with our relationship? Did Lana and I ruin our friendship by getting into a relationship?

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