61. Instructions

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^Seokjin's POV^

"As a result of the war, that I am proud to say, we were victorious, I announce the death penalty of Min Miyoung, the leader of the South, the mate of the former Min Lako who was killed during the war," I announced. My chest tightened as my mind became more and more aware of all the eyes that were trained on me. "I regret to inform you that our mates Min Yoongi, and our new and youngest mate, Nighter, have been reported to run away. We are not aware of their reasons and hope they are safe. We are taking any necessary measures we can to find them. Please do not worry, I am certain they are safe."

I stepped back to let Namjoon take over the podium. "There will be a memorial for all lives that were lost in the war, casualties of both sides," he announced. "We shall proceed with the execution."


"It's done," Jimin breathed out, taking a seat beside Hoseok's bed. "She's gone. Nighter and Yoongi should be able to come home now, right?"

"Not yet," I replied. "The South will be keeping an eye on us to make sure that Yoongi isn't hiding. Be prepared for spies within the palace. Trust no one but each other. I'll arrange a meeting with the temporary leader, I'll see what information I can get about their leadership process. We need to send 'search parties' for Nighter and Yoongi some time after the memorial. Jimin, I need you to communicate with Yoongi, ask him what routes the search parties should be avoiding. Make sure it's subtle enough to be overlooked."

"What happens if they demand Yoongi to be leader after his return?" Namjoon asked.

"I'll take care of that, if it comes down to it," I said. "For now let's just stick to what we should do. We have spies within the palace, we need to act like Nighter and Yoongi have run away. Do the usual work, but with a bit more determination. Jimin, I need you to take over Yoongi's work as well since you're in charge of communicating with Serek regarding the routes. Namjoon and I will divide Hoseok's workload."

"What do I do?" Taehyung asked.

"You're in charge of making the effects of 'disappeared mates' real. Handle your work, but make sure to make it obvious how it's affecting you. You and I are the best at acting. As King, I should be focusing more on the country, not my mates, so you'll have to keep up the front. Make it believable so they overlook any odd behaviors from us," I instructed. "If it's getting too hard, you reach out to another person. We help each other as much as we can. I'll go talk to Lana and see if she has any idea what Nighter meant by knowing how to wake Hobi up. Make sure to visit Hoseok, despite the workload."

I left my mates to fret over our comatose mate, and made my way to Lana's office. Upon permission I opened the door.

"Hi, how are you?" she asked, looking at me with pity. I hated it when people looked at me that way. it never made sense why they did that, and it irked me. I ignored her question.

"Nighter said he may know how to wake Hoseok up, do you know anything about that?" I asked, cutting straight to the point.

"There's one way, but it's not very efficient. Nighter will have to donate some of his blood, which has silver mixed in it. It seems harmless, but from past experiments and studies, it has been said to have side effects that are worse than having a night terror," she explained. "I do not recommend it in the slightest, regardless of the lack of options at the moment."

"What are the side effects?" I asked.

"One side effect is change in behavior. That's unpredictable, he could be aggressive, distant, and cold. It's a rare side effect, but it's still a possibility. Another side effect would be a weak immune system and chronic pain. Constant migraines and psychological problems," she listed. "These side effects are mainly caused by the silver in our blood. Studies have shown that without the silver, there is a risk of death for both parties."

I sighed, feeling helpless yet again.

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