58. War

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(I may have to discontinue the book due to personal reasons. Until I make my decision, I'll continue writing and publishing whenever I can.)

^Jungkook's POV^

I sighed in annoyance when Yoongi turned around for the nth time in the past five minutes. He stopped moving when he heard me. I got up, moving over him and against the wall. "Scoot," I ordered groggily.

He moved back towards the edge of the bed, allowing me to lie down. I gently turned him over so his back was facing me, and pulled him close to me. I protectively wrapped my arm around his waist. Upon a slight nudge, he lifted his head, letting me place my arm as a pillow. I wrapped my arm around his shoulders pulling him in closer.

"Thank you," he mumbled. I hummed into his neck as acknowledgement.

^Hoseok's POV^

"Hobi, you seem distracted," Jimin said, plopping down beside me.

"Two hours," I replied. "I can't sleep. We're going to war, and I'm going to be sleep deprived."

The plan was to execute Miyoung after killing her husband, Lako. Killing Miyoung beforehand would have alerted Lako through their bond.

"They're alright," Jimin said. "The plan will work. It has to."

"We've never gone to war, Jimin. We don't know how to do it," I pointed out, resting my head on his lap.

"I don't think that's what's distracting you," he said. I sighed, giving in.

"Yoongi and Nighter are in foreign territory," I pointed out. "Yoongi tends to have post-trauma nightmares and usually goes to Jin for comfort. Only Jinnie knows how to effectively comfort Yoongi."

"He has nightmares?" Jimin asked, worry evident in his voice. Yoongi didn't tell anyone but Seokjin and I about his nightmares.

"Yeah..." I trailed off. "He's not the only one I'm worried about."

"Nighter's strong. He's relentless, and extremely skilled. There's no doubt that he would be able to fight against a dragon if he knew how. We will know if something's wrong through the bond," he said. The bond between dragons usually

"I know. but we don't have a developed bond with Nighter, nor do we know if the bond that is shared between dragons is the same with a dragon and a Jupitarian," I said.

"Yoongi gets frantic whenever something happens we'll feel it," he joked. "Also you got me to connect to them. I'll open a mindlink whenever you guys want."

"Let's limit your use of powers. It drains you. Taehyung noticed how tired you seem after opening a link," I said. "You need to tell them."

"Should have told them before the war," he joked. "I'll tell them after."

"After you get seriously injured or after the war when everything is fine?" I asked.

"I'll tell them when they wake up," he said, sheepishly.


I grunted in pain when another arrow grazed my shoulder. The pain was excruciating, but I couldn't stop. I threw my dagger at Lako with my injured arm, blocking an on-coming attack with my sword. I pushed my attacker back and stabbed her. I didn't have the time to confirm my throw, cause I was jumped by three Southerns. I let out a small cry of pain as a sword was pierced through my stomach and out the back. I coughed out blood as I stumbled to the ground.

"I'm hurt," I initiated the mindlink.

"Where are you?" Taehyung asked, panic evident.

"With Lako," I replied, glaring at the approaching male. The ravenette's smirk irked me as he approached me with my dagger twirling between his fingers. "Come quick."

I could hear Taehyung and the others trying to fight their way over to us while Lako's army kept them off. "Where is my family?" he asked, crouching down beside me. I pretended to put pressure on my wound when in reality, I was grabbing the gun that was tucked away by my side, covered by the cape I had pulled to cover it when I fell.

"Didn't you hear," I choked out, blood spurting out of my mouth. I coughed and spat the red liquid out. "Yoongi ran away. My mate... ran away because of you."

"Lies," he growled out, holding the sword as he stood up. My breath hitched when he pulled the sword out of my torso. "My people have reported nothing of the sort."

Blood was rapidly pooling out of the wound. I could feel the side effects of low blood pressure hit me: the dizziness, the blurred vision, a headache, the strong urge to sleep. I pulled out my gun and shot him, the bullet piercing his neck... instant death.

I saw Namjoon running towards me while Seokjin raised a wall of water behind Namjoon to separate us from the Southern army. "Hobi!" I heard him yell as he picked me up.

"Hobi?" Yoongi's voice was the last thing I heard before I lost consciousness.

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