95. Cold

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^Seokjin's POV^

"You were the last one with him," Jimin stated. "Did he show any symptoms of being sick during your conversation?"

"No. He was fine when we were talking. He started coughing out of nowhere, then he complained about pain," Yoongi replied. I massaged my temples while we waited for Nighter's doctors to step out of the medical room.

I stood up when Lana walked out. "Is he alright? What happened?" Namjoon asked.

"I don't know. He won't let us touch him nor will he tell us what's wrong. We can't give him anything without diagnosing him," Lana said, sounding frustrated. "He won't die, if that helps."

"Force him," Jimin pushed.

"No," I spoke up. "Don't force him. It's against the law. Will he be okay on his own?"

"I can't confirm anything right now," she replied. "The rules here are different..."

"Different in medicine? How?" Taehyung asked.

"Well, on Jupiter, consent in medicine does not exist. You can't refuse any treatment," she explained.

"So go with that," Jimin pushed.

"Jimin, calm down. I know you're worried, but keep in mind that you don't cross boundaries. This is not Jupiter," Taehyung consoled. "She said he's not going to die."

"Do you have any idea what it could be?" Yoongi asked. "He just started coughing out of nowhere."

"A cold," Lana said, monotonously. "Jungkook has always shown severe symptoms of a cold."

"So how do you treat a cold?" Hoseok asked.

"You don't. It goes away in a while. The most I can do is give him herbs for the coughing," she replied. "Keep in mind that I cannot confirm that he has a cold until he let's me analyze him."

I sat back down, putting my face in my hands in frustration. Lana was the only one who could help Jungkook in a medical situation. It didn't help that Lana lacked the resources she once had on Jupiter. The resources we offered, despite being similar to those on Jupiter, ended up having different effects.

"If you want I can slap some sense into him," Lana spoke up. "I'll go in as a friend, not a doctor."

^Jungkook's POV^

I coughed once more. Fortunately, without blood. Lana walked over to my side and hit the back of my head, eliciting another series of coughs.

"Stop being a brat and let us help you," she snapped.

"It's a cold," I said. "You know you can't help with that. It'll go away eventually."

She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "You're not a doctor, you can't self-diagnose and expect it to be accurate," she said. "Let me do a procedural check up. If it's a cold, we'll leave you to suffer."

I nodded, gulping down the water that was on the table beside me. "Well, the infection came out with the blood. Now it's just a week of side effects," I said, in a soft voice so I didn't strain my throat.

"Stop trying to do everything yourself, Kook. There are people here who want to help you," she said, brushing my hair out of my face.

"Yeah? Well tell them I don't want their help," I croaked out. She gave me a look. "Tell me, have they ever done anything without having the intention to make me a part of their poly relationship?"

"No," she replied.

"Exactly. They only care about the stupid bond and making everything work along their fantasy world," I replied.

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