40. Nighter

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Maybe if I told them the truth, they would reject me. But it would also strengthen the bond since they would get to know me better.

"So you slipped up and told them my name," I confirmed with Lana. She looked down and nodded. I knew she felt guilty. "It's alright. They were going to know eventually. You just saved me from doing it myself actually."

I pulled her into a hug to calm her anxiety. "Are you sure?" she asked. It was only after the incident with Yoongi's mother, could I finally talk to Lana. It was refreshing to see that our friendship was still intact.

"Yes," I replied.

"You're going back to Nighter, aren't you?" she asked, noticing the change in my behavior.

"I have to. It's too dangerous for me to be Jungkook right now," I said.

"How dangerous?" she asked, tightening her hold on me. It wasn't the first time that my emotions got the best of me. I knew I was slipping, it wouldn't take long for me to relapse and resort to my old coping methods.

"Life and death?" I said. "Give me some time, I'll be fine."

"Can I say something to make you smile?" she asked. I hummed in response. "I poisoned the Queen just before my execution."

I let out a laugh as she pulled away from the hug. "Which poison?" I asked.

"Rochiez(not a real poison.)," she responded. I smiled. Rochiez was a rare poison on Jupiter. It worked slowly, but it was a guaranteed kill. The silver in our blood had no way to detect the poison. It took twelve hours for the victim to die.

"Good job," I congratulated.

"Well, couldn't let you die in vain, could I?" she snarked. We laughed, knowing that the whole country would have no choice but to join the neighboring country.

The rule was that if there was no royal in charge in Blasaeda, the citizens were to move in with the neighboring country. There was this hatred between the two countries for a very valid reason. While Blasaeda was filled with homophobic citizens, the neighboring country cherished people of all communities. Lana and I had planned on moving there once I was able to escape my family, but clearly, that didn't work out too well.

"What happened to your ship? I don't remember seeing your ship," I asked.

"Well, they actually sent me in the smallest shuttle they had. I think I landed near yours. It seemed as if the roof was ripped out or something. I landed only a few minutes before I met you. I didn't know where to go, so I trusted my gut and ran through the forest barefoot. Not my smartest move," she said.

"Nighter," Taehyung called out. "Namjoon and I want to talk to you. Do you have a minute?"

I nodded in response. I messed up Lana's hair and rushed out to dodge her playful hits. Taehyung walked beside me.

"I want to go out," I confessed. "I'm bored here. Is there anything fun to do here?"

"I could arrange for something. We could plan something," he responded.

"Why do you need to plan? We could just think of what we want to do first, and then just make spontaneous decisions. You have to have fun somehow," I said. The conversation with Lana really refreshed my mind. "Also Lana told me you know my name."

"Yeah, she kind of slipped up in a panic," he replied, rubbing the back of his neck. "But we thought you preferred Nighter, so we just stick to calling you Nighter."

I hummed in response. I knew I was more comfortable with being called Jungkook than Nighter, but they were two different people. The last thing I wanted was to be Jungkook. I had to be Nighter.

Don't get me wrong, I accepted Nighter. He was a part of me, a part that I created. But I knew that I didn't agree with some of his morals. He was my protection, someone I could rely on, but he was also one to take it too far sometimes.

Taehyung led me to Namjoon's office, knocking before entering. I frowned and tensed up when I saw that all my mates were there. I thought only Namjoon and Taehyung wanted to speak to me.

"I was told that only two of you wanted to speak to me," I voiced out.

"They kind of joined at the last minute. We forgot to tell Taehyung," Namjoon said. I nodded, taking a seat beside Jimin as Taehyung sat beside Yoongi. I kept my distance from Yoongi and Seokjin, not wanting to interact with them after everything that happened. "We wanted to talk about the kidnapping incident that you and Yoongi had to experience. Is that okay?"

I nodded. The kidnapping was weak, poorly planned. The last thing it did was instill fear. I could tell Yoongi was scared, but he wasn't quivering in fear, which was good. If he had felt fear in captivity, we wouldn't have been able to escape.

"Yoongi briefly told us his perspective," Seokjin started. "He mentioned that you ended up killing some people."

"Yes," I confirmed. I wasn't going to give a reason unless they asked me to. I couldn't risk revealing too much.

"Why?" Hoseok asked.

"They were shooting at us. I didn't shoot those who didn't have their guns trained on us," I replied. Was this an interrogation?

"Do we need to do this?" Yoongi asked. "It was self-defense."

"It's protocol," Seokjin said.

"If I'm being interrogated, I would like to know why," I said. My walls were high and strong, I was hostile.

"It is protocol," Hoseok said. I narrowed my eyes on him.

"I don't see any witnesses to this interrogation. If it was protocol, the Council would be present to make sure there's no bias while you interrogate your mate," I retorted. "I'm not an idiot. Why am I really here?"

I analyzed everyone's reaction. Namjoon and Seokjin exchanged glances, Yoongi was fiddling with his fingers, Hoseok and Jimin diverted their eyes and refused to look at me, and Taehyung was confused.

"You killed people effortlessly. We need to make sure you're not a threat," Seokjin said. I pursed my lips, understanding their perspective.

"Does Yoongi need to be here? He's clearly not comfortable with this conversation," I pointed out.

Seokjin looked at Yoongi and sighed. "Yoongi, you don't have to be here," he said in a soft voice.

"No, it's fine. I want to be here," the orange-eyed male responded.

"Very well then," Seokjin started. "You realize you're a murderer?"

"I would say it's justified seeing as not only were they going to kill me, they were going to take Yoongi's DNA for his powers," I replied. "But yes, I accept that I am a murderer."

"You're okay with killing people?" Namjoon asked, surprised. "Actually how are you able to cope after killing all those people?"

"Do you really think that was my first time killing someone?" I asked, tilting my head in mockery.

(To clarify just in case, Jungkook does not have D.I.D. It's simply the difference between his real personality and façade personality.)

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