75. Buff

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I yawned as I dragged my feet to my room from the kitchen, my eyes droopy and my body ready to collapse. As I walked past a room, the door opened, and a calloused hand pulled me inside. Adrenaline pumped through my blood as I struggled against the person, their hand muffled my mouth while the other tightly wrapped around my waist.

"It's me, Hoseok," the person holding me whispered in my ear. I frowned, recognizing the voice to rightfully belong to the male who was supposed to be in a coma. "Stop moving."

I breathed against his hand, my mind filled with questions. My ears pricked up at the sound of heavy footsteps in combination with light ones from the hall. I was pressed against Hoseok's front, my hands resting on the hand that rested on my waist.

"Walk softly!" One of the people sharply whispered to the other. Male. "We can't have him hear us coming!"

"He's too tired to pay attention. He will hear us if you keep talking!" The other person replied. Their voices were getting fainter as they walked further away from the room Hoseok and I were in. "If we're going to be kidnapping someone, we're not supposed to talk and alert the kidnapee!"

"Pretty sure your footsteps would do that instead," the other responded. After that, they moved out of earshot. I let out a muffled sentence and tapped his hand. I turned around when he let me go.

"You're awake!" I exclaimed, looking at his gleaming green eyes. "W-what? How? What on earth is going on?"

"Keep it down," he said. "I woke up a few hours ago, I don't know what's going on. Those two men out there are searching for someone from the six of you."

"Wait, I need to inform the others!" I exclaimed, yanking the door open, but Hoseok pulled me back and slammed the door shut.

"Not yet," he said.

"I have a plan to catch them," I said. "I'm bait, but there's a way to catch them. Also I need to call Lana! She needs to make sure that you're alright!"

I opened the door again, dodged his hand when he reached out to pull me back inside and ran out.

"HOSEOK'S AWAKE!" I yelled into the mindlink with Jimin.

"For the love of God!" Jimin screamed back. "Wait, he's awake?"

"Yeah. I'm calling Lana. Gather everyone in the room above the medical room, that's where he is. He'll explain everything. DO NOT let anyone walk to the room alone," I instructed.

"Alright," he said, broadening the mind link to let others listen in. While he repeated my instructions, I banged on Lana's door.

She opened with a glare which softened when she saw my disheveled state. "Jungkook, what's wrong?" she asked, concerned.

"Hoseok's awake."


"Ever heard of personal space?" I asked Taehyung. After a lot of reluctance and arguments, Taehyung and I decided to carry out the plan I had created to catch the kidnappers. The problem was that Taehyung refused to leave me. I could feel his body heat because of how close he was to my back.

"Yeah, but I'm not one to respect it," he joked. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, trying to listen in on the kidnappers who were rummaging through my room.

"I'm going," I whispered. I slowly stepped around the pillar and in the direction of the bedroom, but Taehyung pulled me back by my waist. "Taehyung!"

"Sh!" he whispered, sharply, peeking around. I did the same to see a third person join the two in the room. He was buff, probably from working out at the gym, but he also carried himself with confidence. The confidence he had was not of his body, such confidence only came with the ability to fight. "Will you be able to fight him?"

"Yeah, but I might lose," I replied. Taehyung's grip on my waist tightened, and he pulled me closer to him. I tapped his arm that was wrapped around my waist, silently indicating for him to loosen his grip. "Stick to the plan."

"No. It's too risky now," he whispered. "Let me call Jimin."

"Where is he?!" the buff male had yelled. "Where the fuck is that Jupitarian?!"

"Oh so they were going for me," I commented.

"They're trashing your room, who do you think they were going for?" Taehyung asked, placing a hand on my chest and pushing me to rest against him entirely. "Namjoon's on his way. Stay still, they won't leave until they have you."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, resting against Taehyung and basking in his body heat. My eyes were droopy from the lack of sleep I had been getting since I killed Clay. My drive to kill people like him returned, my fingers twitched to reach for the gun I had permanently kept in the bedside drawer, my mind raced with thoughts as the determination to kill- the two people I had left on Jupiter- returned, but I had to push them down. I had to focus on myself and the plan before doing anything. Taehyung comfortingly wrapped his arms around me, letting me close my eyes and rest my head against his shoulder as we waited for the grey-eyed male.

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