9. Team No Sleep

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*Mature language*

I was uncomfortable. Not just because I was in the same room as my enemies, but because it was still dark when I noticed that Yoongi was awake. He didn't glance at me and just grabbed the pillow from the couch. He walked over to the bed and lay down in front of me. I was adamant about sleeping as far from him as possible. I pressed myself further against the wall when he scooted closer to me.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked, fear coated my voice as flashbacks blinded my vision.

"Shut up," he snapped as he moved closer. We weren't touching, but we were close enough to feel each other's body heat. "Sleep."

I sighed and closed my eyes, clenching my shaking fists in fear. "Okay," I whispered. He leaned over and held my fists.

"No one's going to hurt you. You're safe with us," he comforted. "Calm down."

"Please l-let me go," I stuttered out. My fierce facade fell when the memories surfaced. I didn't want to be weak in front of them. "I don't want to be here."

"You don't have any other choice," he said. "What's your name?"

"N-nighter," I said.

"I know that. I meant your real name," he clarified. I took a deep breath.

"That is my real name," I argued. "Either take it or leave it."

He reached over to cup my cheeks, causing me to flinch in response. He moved his hand to rest on my small waist. "I'm sure you'll feel the bond tomorrow like we do right now," he said.

"We're not mates," I said, pushing his hand off my waist and pulling my hand from his hold. I turned around to face the wall and focused on controlling my breathing. I knew showing my back to my enemy was not good. But it was clear that I was not going anywhere. Moreover, if they wanted to do something, they would have done it by now.

He came closer and hugged me from behind. I tensed up even more at his actions. His body temperature was just right, and it did make me drowsy, but I fought it. "You can't deny the bond, Nighter. It'll be better for you if you just accept it," he said.

I sat up and grabbed the pillow. I got off the bed and made my way to the couch. "If we are mates, I will reject you. I'm not gay," I said. I didn't think I was gay. But then again, gay wasn't the only sexuality that could define me.

"We won't let you," was his response. I ignored his statement and changed the topic.

"What are you, anyway? Are all of you the same... thing?" I asked.

"Well, here we call them dragons. Everyone in the country is a dragon," he said. "But only the royals can fly or have powers."

What the fuck was a dragon? And... powers?


Yoongi roughly pulled me out of the room while I struggled to escape his hold. His arm was tightly wrapped around my waist as he practically carried me to the medical ward.

"Help him," Yoongi said in an unknown language. He made me sit on the bed as the annoyingly cheery medic skipped over to us.

"Oh Nighter! Great to see you again!" The medic exclaimed. I stared at him blankly, waiting for him to notice the issue at hand.

"His ankle. Blue and swollen," Yoongi said. I looked at him in confusion, but understood what he was talking about when he motioned at my injured ankle. The medic gasped at the sight when Yoongi rolled up my jeans.

"Nighter! Didn't I tell you to rest your leg?" the medic complained. He lightly hit me on the shoulder as a way of lecturing. Yoongi let out a growl, making me flinch in surprise.

"Don't touch him like that, Jisung," he growled out. I frowned at his behaviour. "Just put him on crutches or something and make sure the stitches don't open."

"Well, it doesn't seem like he needs it. His sprain is more or less healed," Jisung said. He looked at me. "How did you recover so quickly?"

"Jupitarians heal fast," I said. We had silver in our blood, which helped us heal faster. Before I was executed, they had injected me with some type of drug that suppresses the effects of the silver.

"I see. Well, I'm sure it won't take long for your stitches to heal. Come back tomorrow so I can get a hint of how long-" he was talking, but I cut him off.

"It'll heal in one hour. You can remove the stitches then," I said. Jupitarians could feel their wounds heal, which was what encouraged us to estimate our healing time. The fact that I avoided resting my injuries, slowed down my healing. The stitches opening didn't help.

Once Jisung was done, Yoongi practically threw me over his shoulder and carried me elsewhere. "We need to talk. I don't want to delay this anymore," he said. His grip was tight to the point that I couldn't even squirm.

"I will fucking kill you for touching me without consent," I growled out, falling limp on his shoulder. When Yoongi was sleeping, I felt my waistband for my dagger, but it wasn't there. My best guess: Hoseok took it while I was unconscious in his hold the previous night. "Sleep with one eye open, fucker."

"Doe, you can do nothing to us. We're built stronger," he responded. I let out a growl.

"Don't call me that," I snapped.

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