43. Light

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"So what's your experience with mates?" Taehyung asked.

"Can't say I liked it," I joked. He let out a small chuckle. "But I guess you in particular aren't that bad."

"Well, I'm glad that I could fit your taste," he said, carrying on with the joke. I smiled. We were sitting on the ground of the cliff that was halfway up the mountain. One could see almost all of the country. "What's it like on Jupiter?"

"It's very societal based. The norms, the mindset, the laws; they were all established by society. There was a saying among the lower ranked people: 'the rich become richer, the poor become poorer.' The only way you could survive was to follow everything you were told to follow," I said, pulling my knees to my chest.

"Ranks? What rank were you?" he asked.

"Let's just say that I was poor. The outcast. Ranks were individually based. My father was the highest position one could get without being a royal, his wife was middle ranked. The only reason I got a job as a florist was because of my father's status," I said. "The one thing I like about your country is that people are treated equally and are accepting. You can roam the streets without people mobbing you."

"Yeah. Although we had to make a public speech about how we are no different to the citizens in terms of public figures. They finally gave us the space we requested for. Soon enough, everyone was accustomed to us making public appearances just like them," he said.

"Being treated as ordinary must be good," I commented.

It was silent as we watched children run around the street laughing. We were at a high point, but we could well enough see the people that were at the park at the foot of the mountain.

"My family was killed by an assassin," Taehyung said out of nowhere. I looked at him in shock. "It was a year after I finally got to meet the royal family at a ball. I don't know what the reason was, but someone was paid to get rid of my family. We caught the assassin as well as the client eventually. They were sentenced to death when it was found that my family wasn't their only victim. That's why I ran out. I was triggered."

"Oh," I said. "I-I'm sorry."

"Don't say sorry. It's not like you did it," he said. "I moved on."


"Taehyung," I whispered over to the purple-eyed male who fell asleep on my shoulder. I waited about an hour or so, after he fell asleep, to wake him up. I could tell he was tired, so I let him sleep on my shoulder. Taehyung had carried a blanket. Once the temperature dropped, I took the blanket and wrapped it around him. Unfortunately, the blanket was only big enough of one person. "Wake up. We need to go back, it's dark.

My left arm was stiff and turning more numb by the minute. "Five more minutes," he mumbled incoherently, tightly hugging my left arm.

"It's getting a little cold. We need to go back before the others start yelling," I said. He remained unresponsive. I sighed, letting him sleep a little more. I had noticed how tired he was, the sleep in his eyes and a small sleepy pout on his lips. I didn't know what exactly kept him up at night, but it surely wasn't healthy for him.

I felt a small nudge at the back of my head. Jimin. "Where are you? Where's Taehyung?" I flinched at his sharp tone.

"At some mountain near the palace. We're together," I said. I felt the nudge stop, indicating that he left.

I looked down at the pendant, which was slightly chipped from the ambush incident. I could see the dull red light that blinked every few seconds. My right arm was cold, kaeka making it rough.

[Kaeka(cake-a)- goosebumps; language Blasaedan.]

I shivered, readjusting myself again so Taehyung didn't wake up with a stiff neck. "Nighter," Taehyung mumbled in his sleep. I hummed in response. "I don't want to be a royal."

"Why not?" I asked.

"It's too much stress. I want to focus on my mates for a while," he responded. He was sleep-talking.

"You should take a break for a while. I'm sure the others won't mind," I responded. "Prioritize yourself."

"Burden," he mumbled.

"It's not a burden if it's for your well-being. It will never be a burden," I said. He snuggled into my side as I moved back, my palms laid flat on the ground behind me to support my body. Taehyung moved closer to me, wrapping an arm around my stomach and resting his head under my collarbone as I leaned back. He didn't respond, and fell into a deeper slumber.

The sun set a while ago, and I knew it was too dangerous for us to be out at night. Especially with Yoongi's mother on the loose. Choosing the only option there was left, I made sure to keep my left arm around him, making him rest his head on my bicep as I stood up. I had to bend down so he wouldn't slump to the ground as I stabilized myself on my feet.

I picked him up bridal style and carried him to the horses that were roaming the area around us. I sighed, realizing the complication that arose. I'd have to guide two horses while carrying Taehyung.

"Nighter," Taehyung mumbled. I felt relief when I made eye-contact with his droopy eyes. "Put me down, I'm awake now."

I helped him to his feet, keeping my hands in the air around him so I could catch him if he were to stumble. I helped him mount his horse before mounting mine.

"By chance, you have a light source, don't you?" I voiced out as we approached the dark path. I looked at Taehyung, who was now wide awake. He smirked and opened his palm, a ball of light hovering over it. He pushed it up so the ball was hovering over the two of us, lighting the path. I stared at awe, at the light. It was bright enough to allow us to see the path and our surroundings, but not too bright to hurt our eyes. "That's so cool."

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