8. Attempt

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*Mature language*

I had almost reached the shuttle. The shuttle had landed on a broad path in the middle of what I presumed was a forest. It did take down a bunch of trees when landing, but fortunately, the area was broad enough to be considered as a small clearing. The shuttle was in my line of vision, but before I could get close enough to make out the intricate details of the shuttle, a circle of fire surrounded me. I breathed heavily from running and panic as I looked around for an escape route. The uneven ground made the pain of the sprain unbearable, and the running probably opened my stitches. I made a move to limp in the direction which had the smallest flame height as compared to the rest of the circle.

I was picked up. Literally. I was dangling from whatever was holding me up. I looked up to see an orange-red scaled creature picking me up. Pain shot through my wounded shoulder and to the surrounding area of my body as I was lifted from the ground by my shoulders. I yelled in pain, causing the creature to let go. I yelled once again when I landed on the wrong foot. Tears of pain welled in my eyes as I attempted to crawl away from the beast that was watching me. Unfortunately, there was not much space for me to escape the monster that seemed to love torturing me. It was looming over my comparatively small figure. Its wing claws were placed on either side of me, limiting my movements.

I watched with caution and tear-stained eyes as someone got off the monster's back. It was one of those royal bastards. He walked over to me and picked me up bridal style. "N-no! L-let go!" I yelled, squirming in his arms, but I had to stop when pain shot through my entire body. My voice turned soft and drained from energy. "P-please."

He tried to comfort me as he placed me on the monster; he made me lay my back on the... monster's neck, I think? He climbed the monster and sat in front of me. He looked over my figure with his glimmering green eyes before pulling me closer to himself and making me place my thighs over his. "Don't worry, mate. You're safer with us. We won't hurt you," he responded, ignoring my weak struggle.

I was too overwhelmed to comprehend his words. I let the exhaustion take over me and succumbed to sleep.


When I awoke, we were still flying. Apparently, I only passed out for a few minutes. Noticing that I was awake, the green-eyed man firmly held my wrists behind me. The irritation on my skin from the handcuffs burned at his touch.

Once we landed, the green-eyed man gently pulled me off the monster after getting off himself. I watched with wide eyes as the monster morphed into one of the royals from before.

"What the fuck are you?" I exclaimed.

"Does it matter?" the shifter asked. He was shorter than me and had orange eyes, and he was naked. The green-eyed male handed the orange-eyed male some clothes.

"Very much so, you... you scaled beast!" I exclaimed, backing away from the two royal weirdos. I sat down to give my leg a rest. Clearly, I wasn't escaping anytime soon.

The orange-eyed man rubbed his face in annoyance. "A country full of dragons, and we're stuck with a Jupitarian as our mate," he huffed.

"M-mate? I'm not your mate," I said. "My mate is back at Jupiter."

No way in hell was I their mate.

"No, you're our mate. We were planning on telling you tomorrow, but clearly, you couldn't wait," the green-eyed guy rebutted. "If you know about soulmates, then shouldn't you know about us being mates?"

"Jupitarians know who their soulmate is 24 hours after they meet them," I said. I knew there was a chance that they were my mates, but I refused to believe it. "It takes a while for the bond to develop for us."

The orange-eyed guy approached me with his arms outstretched, revealing that he wanted to pick me up, so I moved away from him. He sighed in annoyance. "Submit," he growled out. He stormed over to me and grabbed my collar. Not seeing the desired reaction, he yelled in my face."SUBMIT!"

"Yoongi," the green-eyed guy said, in a warning tone. 'Yoongi' looked at the other royal with a glare.

"He's not complying, Hoseok. We have no choice but to tame him," Yoongi growled out.

"Tame? I'm no wild animal. I have my own free will!" I defended. Yoongi roughly pulled me up and held me bridal style. "How the- You're literally tiny. How can you have so much strength?! Let me go!"

"Shut up before I knock you out," Yoongi snapped as he started carrying me away. "Hoseok, don't follow. This brat is staying in my room tonight."

"I'm going to annoy you until you let me go," I snarked.

"I'd like to see you try," he retorted.

When we reached his room, he threw me on the bed and walked over to the door to lock it. He snapped his fingers and a bunch of flame-like sparks decorated the door.

"What the-" I started but he cut me off.

"Cuss one more time and you'll receive a punishment," he snapped. I pursed my lips and simply watched his every move. Flashbacks of my adoptive mother punishing me flooded my mind. "Take the bed, I'll take the couch."

I picked on the blanket as he grabbed a pillow from the bed and an extra blanket from the cupboard. "I-I can take the couch," I said, in a soft voice. I avoided eye contact.

"No. Sleep on the bed. You cause any trouble and you suffer the consequences," he warned. I gulped and nodded, getting into covers as I focused on blocking out the intrusive thoughts.

I did not sleep that night.

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