85. Sneak

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"Kookie!" Aaron exclaimed. I crouched down to his level as he ran towards me. "Hi!"

"Hi!" I greeted him with a smile. Hoseok and I were taking a walk around town at night. It was pleasant. "Why are you out so late? Where are your parents?"

"I snuck out!" He said, a goofy smile of pride decorating his face.

"Wha- Aaron?!" I exclaimed in shock. "Never sneak out of your house. It's too dangerous. Something could happen to you. Come on, we'll take you home."

"But I don't want to," he mumbled, rubbing his arm. I looked at Hoseok.

"Can you give us a minute?" I asked. He nodded and walked out of earshot, but stayed within view to keep an eye on us. I looked at Aaron. "Why don't you want to go home?"

"Mom and Mama don't let me spend alone time with my mate," he mumbled. "They said I don't know who my mate is because I'm young."

"Who is your mate?" I asked.

"Lex," he said. "He said he would meet me here. We meet every night," he replied. "He couldn't come tonight, but I wanted to go out anyways."

"Aaron, I know you want to meet your mate. And you have every right to. Your parents should never come in the way of you and the person you love, I'm glad you realize that. But you have to understand that it's dangerous for you to be outside alone at this time of the night. Hoseok and I will drop you off home," I said.

"Will you talk to my mothers as well?" he asked. "They scolded me and told me I was just imagining it. I tried to talk to them, but they told me to shush and do my homework."

"If they're awake, I'll talk to them. Or I'll come in the morning and talk to them," I said. I stood up, picking him up and placing him on my hip. I licked my lips as he played with my hair. I knew what he meant when he said he wanted to go out. He didn't like it at home and wanted some fresh air. I knew how it felt. I didn't want to take him to his home, I wanted to take him with me and protect him from his parents who were suffocating him with their mindsets.

I walked to Hoseok who smiled at the boy in my arms. "Where to?" he asked.

"My home," Aaron sulked.


"How did you sneak out?" I asked him.

"The tree," he said pointing at a tree which was a good distance from his window. Maybe someone as tall as Namjoon could easily reach the window from the edge of the closest tree branch.

"You can make that jump?" Hoseok voiced out his shock.

"Not really. I get hurt every time," he said. "But then Lex fixes my wounds and lectures me. He doesn't talk a lot. So I get hurt every time so I can hear him talk."

I looked at the lovestruck boy in the dark. He was smiling brightly at the mention of Lex. I smiled. "Ask him questions, don't force your body to get hurt. Encourage him to talk," I said. "I'm sure it hurts him to see you get hurt."

He nodded. I fixed his position so he was on my back. I started climbing the tree. Hoseok stayed at the bottom of the tree, ready to catch us if either of us falls. Once I reached the edge of the tree branch, I fell forwards, catching myself by placing my hands on the wall. I patiently held my stance as Aaron climbed over me and into his room. He waved me goodbye and closed his window, pulling down the blinds after.

I looked down at Hoseok who was waiting for me to get down. "I got you," he said. "Jump or climb?"

"Jump," I replied. Keeping my hands against the wall, I jumped, letting myself fall into his awaiting arms. He caught me by the waist. My legs were only a few centimeters from making contact with the ground and breaking under the pressure. My hands tightly held his shoulders. He placed me down, resting his hands on my waist to stabilize me. "Thanks."

My back was to the street light, which illuminated his face. "Anytime," he said and winked. I turned around, not wanting him to see the blush dusted on my cheeks.

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