16. Breakfast Disaster

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"The couch is mine!" I exclaimed, laying down on the extremely small couch in Namjoon and Seokjin's bedroom. It was too small for me, but I didn't particularly mind. As long as I wasn't sharing the bed with them.

I turned my back towards them and tried to sleep under the window which allowed the cold air of the night to slip inside the warm room and freeze my quivering bones. No doubt, I was going to be sick the next day. My body could heal any wound, deep or shallow, big or small, but a cold. A simple common cold lasted for about a week. It was annoying, really.

I was exhausted. My mind and body were overwhelmed by all the events that had occurred in a little more than 24 hours, and I had pulled an all-nighter. Albeit, my stay at the medical ward did help me get some rest, but not enough.

I felt myself being picked up and being laid on the bed. I snuggled into the blanket that was thrown over me.

"Nighter, can we talk?" Namjoon asked, placing a hand on my waist. I hummed sluggishly. "Why do you not want mates?"

"I don't deserve," I mumbled incoherently. "Mates are controlling."

Hearing a soft gasp, I realized the lack of control over my own mouth. I tried fighting the sleep as Seokjin ran a hand through my hair. I squirmed to get up and head to the couch when I realized that I was no longer there.

"Go to sleep, baby. We'll protect you," Seokjin whispered, leaving a small kiss on my head as he pulled me against his chest. I did feel protected. I did feel a little safe in his arms. But I also felt scared. Scared because I didn't know what they would do to me while I slept.

Sleep was overpowering my body. "I wanna give... chance. But... scared," I mumbled into the blanket.


"Fuck off," I mumbled when Seokjin tried to wake me up.

"Nighter, no cursing in front of-" I cut him off.

"Apologies, your majesty. Kindly get your royal ass out of my personal bubble," I snapped and pulled the blanket over my head. I heard him sigh and walk off. I went back to enjoying my morning sleep.

"Nighter, get up. Now," I heard Yoongi say as he pulled the blanket off me. I groaned and flipped him off. I heard a growl from Hoseok before being picked up. I rested my head against Hoseok's shoulder as he carried me to wherever.

"We have a meeting with the Council. You are supposed to attend as well," Hoseok said. I rubbed my eyes to get rid of rheum and squirmed in his hold until he let me walk.

"Why me?" I asked.

"Because you're a potential royal. You're supposed to know how to work the system before being an official royal," he explained.

"I don't want to, so I'm not going," I said. We went to the dining room. It was silent as we ate.

"We want to get to know you," Seokjin said. I looked around the table to observe everyone's reactions. Everyone was eating their food and glancing at me with curiosity. Everyone but Taehyung. Taehyung was staring at me intently as if he was trying to figure me out. His jaw was clenched and his grip on his utensils was tight. His purple eyes expressed anger and confusion. "Can we ask you questions?"

"Sure, but I won't promise an answer," I responded, taking two bites of the delicious sandwich.

"Fair enough," Jimin said. "What's your real name?"

"Pass," I responded. Mate or not, I didn't trust them.

"Any siblings?" Namjoon asked.


"How old are you?" Hoseok asked.

"Twenty. How old are you guys?"

"You're the youngest. Seokjin is 25, Yoongi is 24, Namjoon and Hoseok are 23 but Namjoon is a couple of months younger, and Taehyung and I are 22 but Taehyung is a few months younger than me," Jimin said. "Did you have a job back on your planet?"

"Yes. I was a day-time florist," I responded before taking a sip of my juice.

"Day-time? Did you have another job?" Yoongi asked.

"No," I said. "My shift was in the morning. That's what we call it there."
Technically, I wasn't lying. Being an assassin wasn't an employment if I was the one choosing my clients. I didn't have an employer.

"Lie," Taehyung growled out. I looked at the purple-eyed male who was glaring at me, but also had a hint of smugness as if he was proud that he found out something about me.

"Believe what you want, it's not my problem," I said.

"Why are you lying?" he asked me.

"As I said, believe what you want," I rebutted.

"Taehyung," Seokjin said sternly. "Don't pounce on him."

"He's lying!" Taehyung yelled. He stood up and sauntered over to my chair.

"Touch me, and I swear to god, I will kill you. Mate or not," I growled out.

"Taehyung," Jimin called out, his voice was soothing. He walked over and held Taehyung's hand. "Let's go for a walk."

I continued munching on the sandwich as if nothing even happened. "Were you... were you being serious?" Namjoon asked. "About the killing?"

"It doesn't matter if someone is your mate or not. If you're simply defending yourself, then I wouldn't condone murder, but I would condone standing up for yourself. Just because you're soulmates, doesn't make it a healthy relationship," I said. "So yes, I did mean what I said."

"So regardless of how deep into a relationship we would be, you would kill us?" Seokjin asked.

"Only if it's the last option," I responded. "There's a reason I told you to throw me into the dungeon."

"So were you lying?" Hoseok asked. I stared at the innocent green-eyed man.

"I will neither deny nor confirm that."

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