30)I bet your skin is warm and that your smiling

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A\N Not my story

Turns out that once you start, hugging Bellamy is a hard habit to beak.

It started as just a means of greeting when he returned to camp.

The first time, he was coming back from a joint scouting mission of Mt. Weather with the grounders. They hadn't been parted from the same general vicinity since their reunion and Clarke would be lying if she said there wasn't a small, irrational part of her that feared he wouldn't come back at all. She happened to be near the gate with Raven when he returned, discussing the practicality of sending up the radio beacon again, now that they were allied with the grounders.

"Open the gate!" came the call from the guards.

"...depends on how much stock we want to put in the assumption that Weather knows where we are already," Raven was saying. Clarke glanced up to see Bellamy coming through the gate, covered in a layer of grime, but otherwise unhurt.

"I mean, this thing did fall out of the sky," she returned, turning toward the gate a few paces away, "we should assume they're not idiots, right?" she finished over her shoulder, walking over to where Bellamy was shrugging off his pack.


"Hey yourself," he returned.

Without really thinking about it, she was up on her tiptoes, arms around his neck. Partway through the action she nearly stopped herself, but what the heck, she was already half hugging him. Before she even had the chance to question the choice, she felt his arms encircle her waist without hesitation.

Breaking from their short embrace, she looked up at him.

"Raven and I are discussing the pros and cons of putting the radio beacon back up," she said, before turning to walk back to the mechanic. He fell in step beside her.

"Might as well. It's not like they don't know where we are," he said, coming to a stop between the two of them. Clarke nodded in agreement.

Besides a wide-eyed look that was lost on the two co-leaders, Raven didn't comment on the interaction.

"Right then. Now we can finally see if the other stations made it to the ground."

It became a habit they both expected from then on. A hug and an update on what each had accomplished in their time apart. It wasn't always a full on embrace, often just a one-armed hug if they'd only been apart for a short time. Living in a camp run by adults, it was nice to keep some semblance of the comradery they had built up from their days at the drop ship.

A week or so later, Clarke was returning from a tactical meeting with Lexa-the grounder commander preferred strategizing with the younger Griffin over her mother, who was still new to how things worked on the ground. She trudged through the gate, exhausted from the extensive planning but feeling good about the outcome. Glancing around for her mother to brief her on the plan, she felt a warm hand on her shoulder and turned around to find herself in Bellamy's arms. She was surprised, but instinctually wound her arms around him in return, letting herself relax into his embrace.

It took her a second to get to the heart of her surprise: it was the first time she was the one returning to camp while he stayed behind. The realization that he worried when she was away too had her smiling softly into his neck.

"Hey," he said when they parted, his eyes searching hers, "How'd it go?"

"Good. They don't mind putting off the attack a couple days if it means we'll have more backup," she smiled at him wearily.

"Great. Your mom already signed off on sending a delegation, so I'll get Raven and Wick to let farm know we'll have people coming for them in a few days." With the beacon back in the air, they'd finally made contact with farm station, who they now knew had also made it to the ground, albeit not without casualties and injuries. Camp Jaha was in far better shape, so it only made sense to bring in the survivors and supplies from farm station and keep one primary camp.

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