15) Tennis Lessons

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A/N not my story


"Oh my god, are you alright?" Octavia gushed into her phone. Clarke looked up, wondering who was on the phone and what was wrong with them. "It's Raven," Octavia mouthed at her.

"What's wrong?" Clarke asked worriedly.

"Oh, it's okay she's fine," Octavia told her. "I'm talking to Clarke," Octavia said to Raven. She turned her attention back to Clarke for a moment. "Raven fell down the stairs at her apartment, but she's totally fine," Octavia assured Clarke. Clarke nodded and turned her attention back to the TV. "What do you mean not totally okay?" Octavia asked suspiciously. Clarke lost focus on the TV again, worried about Raven. "You've got to be kidding me... yes I'm annoyed at you!" Octavia scowled. Okay, if Octavia was annoyed, Raven's injuries couldn't be too severe...

"I don't care if you didn't do it on purpose. How am I supposed to find someone else in less than two days?" She was silent for a moment, listening to Raven, before giving a loud snort of laughter. Clarke raised an eyebrow at her, wondering what was so funny when only a second ago Octavia had been fairly distressed.

"Don't be ridiculous!" Octavia said to Raven. "Clarke can't play tennis. No offence," she tacked on, seeing Clarke was listening. "I was talking to Clarke again! I don't have time to give her a lesson, I have to work tomorrow. Yeah, I'm aware of that. They don't like each other. He wouldn't do it for free." Octavia glanced at Clarke and Clarke frowned, not entirely sure what they were talking about, but getting the feeling she wasn't going to like it. "True, I am very persuasive. Okay, but next time you sprain your ankle can you give me a little more warning? Bye!" Octavia ended the call and turned her attention to Clarke, smiling sweetly.

"What was that all about?" Clarke asked suspiciously. Octavia walked over and sat beside her on the couch, all the while looking like a mischievous child who was pretending they were totally innocent. Clarke knew better than to ever believe Octavia was innocent in any way.

"Well, the thing is, Raven sprained her ankle and can't play in the tennis tournament we're entered in on the weekend," Octavia started.

"And you want me to take her place?" Clarke guessed. Octavia nodded. Clarke sighed. "Can't you just get your brother to fill in? Isn't he a tennis coach?" she suggested.

"It's a women's tournament, Clarke. Bellamy isn't allowed to play," Octavia said patronisingly. Clarke rolled her eyes. Octavia really wasn't doing anything to help her case by treating her like a child.

"But I don't even know how to play tennis!" Clarke pointed out.

"Right, which is why Bellamy will give you a lesson," Octavia informed her matter-of-factly.

"Um, no," Clarke immediately refused. Octavia gave her her best puppy dog eyes.

"Pleeeease Clarke?" she pleaded, batting her eyelashes. "It'll be really fun!"

"I honestly can't think of anything worse," Clarke said flatly.

"Don't be such a spoil sport! Come on, I've been looking forward to this weekend for months! We'll play a bit of tennis, meet some new people and drink a lot of alcohol. You don't need to be good, you just need to know enough to not look like a total idiot on the court. Bell will give you the lesson for free." Octavia convinced. Clarke looked at her sceptically. "Please?"

Clarke exhaled dramatically before giving in. "Fine! I'll do it. But don't expect me to like it," she warned.

"I'd never dream of it. I'm gonna call Bell now and set up a time for your lesson! Yay!" Octavia hugged her before dialling her brother's number. "Hey Bell!" she said cheerfully when he picked up.

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