23)Oh and one more thing

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"Clarke, would you please just hear me out? Why are you being so unreasonable?" Bellamy all but shouted, his forceful movements fluttering the mess of papers that cluttered their kitchen table.

"I'm not being unreasonable! I really don't think we're ready for a new house, Bell."

"We would be if I took the job at Dropship Corporations. Clarke. Come. On." Bellamy grit out before sinking into a chair beside his wife. It's been a year since the wedding, but the thought of their domesticity still felt strange and new - though right now Bellamy merely wondered how he had ended up with another stubborn female. Octavia was already more than enough to handle.

"You love your job at the university! I know Marcus' offer is good, but is leaving the school worth it?" Clarke implored, brows furrowed in frustration. Bellamy wanted to give up right then - the sight of Clarke all flushed and urgent made him question why they were even fighting, but he stopped himself. This was different. This was a step into their future lives, and Bellamy needed proof they could work through whatever life threw at them.

"It's worth it if it means we can prepare for our future together! I want this for you, for us! Why can't you see that?" Bellamy rose once again, frustration bubbling over. He ran a hand through his messy hair and shook his head, grabbing the coat that rested on the back of his chair. He made a move away from the table and Clarke's lip quivered the tiniest bit.

"Bell." Clarke looked up at him with those knowing eyes of hers and he just couldn't deal anymore. Bellamy pushed through and stalked towards the front door, coat and keys in hand.

"Where are you going?" Clarke cried, rising in an attempt to stop him.


"Bellamy, please."

"I need some air, Clarke." With a slam of the door, he was gone. Clarke trudged towards the couch and sank down in defeat, tears threatening to spill over her cheeks. The clock flashed a miserable 9:04PM and Clarke curled into herself, before an all too familiar feeling of queasiness and bile rose towards her throat. She managed to sprint towards her and Bellamy's bathroom upstairs in one piece before emptying her dinner into the toilet. Clarke undressed and stepped into the shower, letting the scalding water disguise her tears as she gently patted her belly, an odd feeling of calm taking over the chaos from before.

By ten thirty Clarke was tucked into bed, mindlessly flipping through channels before settling on the far from finished Harry Potter marathon. Clarke wasn't even angry anymore - she just wanted to curl up against Bellamy and argue with her stupid husband about which House was better.

Bellamy found her fast asleep in the middle of The Order of the Phoenix, remote tucked in the crook of her elbow. He sighed, pulled off his shirt and pants and settled in next to her. Clarke stirred and creaked one eye open to find Bellamy staring right back.

"Look, babe, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. But I still think we need to -"

"I'm pregnant." Clarke interrupted, turning onto her back to face the ceiling. She felt Bellamy tense next to her before he let out a breath.

"What?" Bellamy gripped her wrist, his voice breaking.

"I said I'm pregnant, Bell."

"What do you mean?" Clarke almost laughed at the utterly confused expression he wore, but refused to look him in the eye.

"It means there's a little one growing in here," Clarke said as she guided his hand toward her stomach. "I had a suspicion last night and I took some tests this morning. All positive."

Clarke finally turned to face her dumbfounded husband, eyes searching for an answer, a response, anything. Bellamy didn't say a word, just met her gaze with his own.

"Well?" Clarke asked softly, reaching up to stroke Bellamy's cheek. He was shaking, she realized.

"Baby. I'm sorry. Whatever - whatever you want, whatever you need. Fuck. Holy shit. I - I love you. Shit. Clarke. Fuck." Bellamy covered her hand with his and kissed her furiously, all the heat from earlier seeping away from his body. Clarke melted into his touch and giggled in between kisses.

"I hope you don't talk to our future kid like that," Clarke grinned as she nuzzled against his neck and Bellamy turned to spoon her against his chest.

"I'm sorry about earlier, I really am," Bellamy whispered and Clarke let out a sigh.

"We'll talk in the morning, okay? Let's just...sleep for now, okay?" Clarke whispered back, eyelids already heavy with sleep.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Bell," Clarke mumbled, falling into the best sleep she's had in days.

Bellamy stroked her hair until he felt slumber take over his body. He made one last attempt to conjure up their previous argument, but honestly, he had no idea what they were even fighting about. There were other things to worry about now, and he couldn't wait.

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