2) Werewolf tale

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"17 years ago a baby girl was born into the pack but was kept away for her protection she will soon turn 18 and transform that's all for today remember the next full moon will be her transformation be aware um Bellamy can I talk to you alone"

"What is it this time Lincoln "

"Bell you haven't found your mate it's important to find her or you'll be stuck forever"

"Got it sir can I go need to pick up my sister and her friend"

He nodded and left

"Geez bell what took you so long"

"Personal problems"

"Oh Bell Clarke is staying with us for a month her parents have to go to Italy so I offered her to stay with us I know I should have told you before but-"

He cut his sister off

"O it's okay"

Both girls looked shocked Octavia jumped on top of him

"Who are you and what have you done to my brother "

He chuckled

"O her parents called earlier I said its okay"

She backed up to Clarke

"Slumber party"

Bellamy looked at Clarke she giggled and he smirked they picked her stuff up and went to his home O and Clarke shared the room. O was in color guard so she was gone Friday night's and Saturday till the afternoon. As they got home Octavia quickly got ready and left leaving Bellamy and Clarke alone

"So it's Barely 5 want anything to eat princess"

"I told you to stop calling me that"

"I don't recall having that conversation princess"

She laughed he smiled

"How about Mc Donald's your highness"

She rolled her eyes and he smirked

"Finally a good idea" she said

They drove and ordered

"Hi welcome to McDonald's my I take your order"

"Yes I'll have 3 quarter pounders And 4 mc chicken and- what do you want"

"I'll have A big Mac and 2 Mc Chicken with fries and a coke"

"Will that complete your order"


They drove up and he looked at her


"You know most girls would say I eat a lot"

"Well I'm not like most girls and trust me that's not a lot over the year my appetite get bigger and bigger"

"I know the feeling"

They left they started driving into a path into the forest

"Um Bell where the hell are we going"

"You'll see princess"

They drove to a part of a cliff wear you see the sea and the sunset

"We're here. ..I use to bring O here"

She looked stunned her eyes wide open

"Wow it's so beautiful"

They opened the top of the roof and ate there food it started getting darker then Bellamy got a phone call and looked passed

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