1) Snow white the 100 Version

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Once upon a time in a land far far away there were King George and Queen Aroura. She gave birth to a baby boy and named him Bellamy when he turned 3 his mom gave birth to a baby girl named Octavia his mother died and his father remarried a year later . In another kingdom There was Queen Abigail and King Jake along with there daughter Clarke. On the day Clarke turned 17 she ran away because she did not want to be wedded to Prince Wells She ran into the forest and found a cabin with 4 people Miller Jasper Monty and Finn. When they went to work She cooked cleaned and Helped if they injured 2 months past and they never found her. Weeks pasted Clarke and Bellamy were 17 Octavia was 15.....


"Bell please"

"Octavia you know girls can't go out side the gates only men"

"But I wanna see the out doors its much more prettier then in here"

"Bye O I'll bring you something back"

The gates open and he left on his horse. He seeked peace and quite

"Mirror Mirror on the wall who's fairest of them all"

"You are the fairest of them all but there is one that is fairer then you she is not in the kingdom just a little off Her eyes blue like crystals her skin Light and her hair shines like the sun"

"Who is the girl"

"The one who will find love and destroy your plans my Queen"


"Bye Clarke"

"Bye Clarke"

"Bye Clarke"

"Bye Clarke"

"Bye guys Be safe"

She cooked and cleaned she finished early and went out to the forest. There was a place we're there was a flower garden in a circle and trees all around She was singing and picking flowers She heard twigs snap and she saw a figure coming and backed up slowly his face came into the light he had dark curly hair tan skin and cute freckles

"Who are you and what are you doing outside the gates"

She stared at him confused her crystal blue eyes locked on his chocolate brown eyes They stared at each other for a while and He asked again

"I'll ask again What are you doing outside the gates"

"It is none of your business what I am doing and I don't know what gates your talking about"

"The 100 Kingdom not far from here what is your name and how'd you get here"

"My name is Clarke and I ran away from The Ark Kingdom"

He just chuckled and she had a serious look and that only make him smirk

"I don't recall any of this funny"

"We'll Princess-"

She stiffened and he raised an eye brow

"It's you isn't it.......Your the princess who ran away because she didn't want to be wedded to Prince Wells"

"Please Don't tell anyone you saw me I don't wanna go back"

"Ok but you have to come back with me"

"No I'm fine where I am now I have to go"

"Wait are you sure your fine out here"

"I've been here for Months I'm sure I can manage"

She left and he got back to his kingdom a few days later she needed a walk Clarke sat down against a tree but she didn't notice a boar coming towards as she turned someone shot the boar and she saw him again

"You ok Princess"

"Ya I'm fine it didn't get to close thanks to you"

he actually smiled at her and she giggled They walked and talked for hours They did that everyday for the past 3 weeks One day Bellamy was talking to Octavia about Clarke and There stepmother over heard she heard the same description and the mirror she got on of her goons to kill her

"Hello Murphy I need you to do something for me"

she whispered to him the plan to kill her and bring back the heart to her He left early in the morning He encountered her picking flowers

"Who's there"

"Well well if it isn't the girl who has the Prince's Heart"

"Who are- "

She got cut off he lifted his sword

"Please don't kill me I'll leave for good"

He sighed and put his sword down

"Run now before I change my mind"

She ran back to the cabin she spent days inside and hardly came out The Queen found out she was still alive One day she decided to find her she transformed in to an old lady selling apples she found a little cabin

"Hello anyone home"

Clarke slowly open the door

"Hello there would you like to try an Apple"

"um I don't know"

"It's as sweet as they come"

She gave in And Bit the Apple she collapsed on the floor and the Queen left later The guys came back


They carried her to the bed and hid the apple" Days pasted and she didn't wake up they build a table for her and put it in the flower garden she use to visit later that day Prince Bellamy Came at the same time They always met and saw her laying on the table he got off his horse and ran over to the table. She was pale and peaceful he gently wrapped an arm around her and sat her up

"Clarke can you hear me come on wake up Please"

he waited a while something told him He can't live with out her like she's the one he kissed her and a second later she was gasping


"Bellamy get away from me please"

"Clarke what happened"

"This old lady came and offered me an apple I bit it and pasted out how long have I been out"

"I don't know I barely found you I haven't seen you in Days Clarke we were supposed to meet here everyday "

"It's not my fault people threaten me to leave you I-"

"Clarke what do you mean I can't live without out you I'm lost with out you your the light to my darkness I need you"

"Bellamy I-I I need you too"

"Well then Clarke Will you Marry me And be My Princess forever"

"Prince Bellamy I've been a princess all my life but-"

She jumped and hugged him

"-Yessssss I will marry you"

She kissed him he took her back to the his kingdom. Murphy explained what the queen to him to do and the Banished her and was no longer Queen

"Clarke this is My sister Octavia, Octavia this is Clarke "

"Omg its nice to finally meet you in person Bellamy would never shut up about you"

Clarke just giggled and Bellamy smirked

"Anyways Octavia I was wondering if you can help Clarke plan the wedding"

"Wedding OMG YES"

Everything went smoothly Days pasted On the day of the wedding Invitations were sent to nearby Kingdoms. Clarke was putting on her dress There was a knock at the door Octavia opened it it was Jake they hugged for a long time her mother wasn't pleased with the marriage she would rather her marry Prince Wells but of course stubborn Clarke didn't care Jake walked her down the isle They had a wonderful Wedding A year later they had twins a baby boy named Jake and a girl named Aurora And they lived happily ever after The End

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