9) At Last

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A/N: not my story


There is a flower crown.

She is going to kill Octavia.


She doesn't expect anything from the day- anything unusual at least. Their negotiations are always tense at best, and there is always the possibility that one of the parties will kill members of the other, but again, that's usual.

That's expected.

What's not expected is Lexa presenting her, Bellamy, her mother and Kane with a Grounder.

''We would like to offer you Baran,'' she says and Clarke is...

Well, Clarke is incredibly confused.

''Offer him?'' she asks, growing more and more uncomfortable as her imagination runs wild.

(If they are giving her a slave, she might just scream.)

''To you,'' Lexa says, as if Clarke has some hearing problem.

(Or comprehension problem.)

(The fact that Lexa is easily the most sarcastic person on the face of the Earth still surprises Clarke.)

''As your future husband.''

''I'm sorry, what?''


It's stupid, it's incredibly stupid- they shouldn't be wasting fabric, and they shouldn't be wasting an entire day on this fake ceremony she doesn't even want to be a part of.

There is a knock on the door of the room she's been pushed in, followed by a quiet voice.



It's her future husband.

''Don't come inside,'' she calls out and she can imagine his frown.

''Why the hell not?'' the door start to open and she body-slams into it, closing it.

(She's pretty certain the blowback slammed the door straight into Bellamy's face, if his pained groan is anything to go on.)

''It's bad luck,'' she rolls her eyes, and she honestly can't say if it's for him or herself.

''Bad... Are you actually kidding me right now?'' he asks, and he sounds so indignant, so incredulous, that she bursts out laughing.

He laughs too, and suddenly they're both in a complete fit against the steel door.

''Seriously, though, do not come in,'' she says as she catches her breath. ''Raven might actually throw you into the fence. While it's on.''

''Got it,'' he says. ''I just wanted to make sure you're still on with... This.''

''Of course I'm on,'' she snorts. ''Not like I have much choice.''

''You wound me.''

''Better me than Lexa, though.''

''... That is a good point.''


''It is how we finish negotiations,'' Lexa says, eyes narrowed at Clarke. Clarke feels the blood drain rapidly from her face. ''It is a great honor, Clarke of the Sky People. Baran is a great warrior He will make a good match for you.''

''Match?'' Clarke's voice sounds embarrassingly squeaky.

''He is the best warrior of all my people,'' Lexa says, voice wavering on impatience. ''As you are of yours.''

Bellarke One Shots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now