48)Doctors Orders

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Bellamy Blake was bored out of his mind, and sick of the shitty cafeteria food at the Ark Hospital. This was the third time he'd been sitting here in as many weeks; first for his sister when she'd had to get her stomach pumped after celebrating her graduation a little too much, then for getting his knuckles fixed up after a certain altercation. And now? Now fucking Miller was moaning next to him in the waiting room, cradling his arm. Bellamy couldn't help but roll his eyes, it was 1 am on a Wednesday night and his idiotic roommate had fallen in the shower. Fell in the fucking shower for god's sake? How does a grown man potentially break his arm in the fucking shower?

Bellamy had dragged himself off the couch, got some pants on Miller, and drove his dumb ass over to the hospital which was quickly becoming his usual after work hang out. Leading him to holding onto a half cold cup of bitter coffee, waiting for a doctor to see them, and trying to get Miller to stop being such a baby.

"Nathan Miller?" An Asian male nurse called out into the waiting room. Bellamy waved him over, as he helped Miller out of his chair without bumping his busted arm. "Hey, I'm Nurse Green, and if you could just follow me I'll take you back to exam room E and we'll take a look at that arm." They followed him through the doors, out of the waiting room and into a brightly lit hallway. The nurse motioned towards a room about halfway down the hall and Bellamy took Miller in and set him on the exam table.

Nurse Green was looking over the paperwork Miller had filled out when they'd first come in, (or rather that Bellamy had filled in with Miller telling him the answers.) "So what happened exactly?"

Miller just shifted uncomfortably.

"This dumbass fell in the shower and started screaming bloody hell. So here we are." Bellamy motioned at a flushed Miller.

"Okay, well, umm, we're going to have to take some x-rays to see the extent of the damage, but first I'll send in the doctor, okay?" Nurse Green glanced back over his shoulder at Miller before making a hasty exit.

Minutes passed, and Bellamy was starting to get irritated. Where the hell was the doctor? But before he could work himself up anymore the door opened a revealed a disheveled blonde doctor in a pair of light blue scrubs. Her hair was falling out of whatever had initially held it up and she had circles under her eyes, but greeted them with a warm smile nevertheless.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Griffin. You must be Nathan Miller?" As Miller nodded she picked up his chart and scanned it. "Okay Mr. Miller, your arm doesn't look too good, so I'm going to check it first while I wait for the x-ray room to become available. Tell me if you feel any pain or if it becomes too much." She gently started probing Miller's swollen arm, comparing it to his other, and cataloging his responses.

Bellamy couldn't help but stare. She was small, with milky skin, but not even her scrubs could hide her distantly womanly curves. Her I.D. badge read Dr. Griffin, Clarke, and she was smiling in the picture, with her hair down and a slightly lopsided smile. Clarke.

Once she'd finished her initial examination she sat down across the room and started asking Miller various questions. Bellamy was only paying half attention to what was being said, much more focused on the fast and smooth motion of her hands flicking over the keyboard as she entered in his answers and the way her mouth curved around her questions.

He was kicked out of his daydream, literally, by Miller kicking him in a calf. "I'm sorry, what?"

"I was just asking if you were family or?"

"God no. He's my roommate. And my partner." She made a slight oh with her mouth that made his mind wander to some terribly sinful things, that was, until he realized what she thought. "NO, no, not like that. We're cops. Sorry, no, I uhh, we're on the police force together. And we split rent." He knew his ears were bright red, and could hear Miller trying to contain his laughter next to him. "Not that there's anything wrong with, I just, we don't, but..." Shaking his head, "I was the one that heard the idiot fall and scream so I brought him here."

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