50) Griffeign

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It was really just for fun when Clarke downloaded the Tindr app and made an account. Who would really believe that an actress of her caliber would actually make an account? Especially since everyone thought she was already dating Wells, or almost equally as often, Raven. With those thoughts in mind, she ended up 'liking' more people than she probably should have.

She was surprised about the amount of people who actually did think she was Clarke Griffin (not that they were wrong). She got tons of messages from people saying that they were HUGE fans, and could wait until she starred in her next movie series about pirates and vampires who were also pirates. And quite a few messages informing her that she couldn't have a Tindr account, because didn't she know? It was a dating app and she was already dating Wells Jaha/Raven Reyes.

And she got a TON of dick pics.

But apparently that was normal.

She was laughing at a message that raved about how the last picture she posted was obviously just a well doctored photo using a bunch of pictures from her twitter or instagram, and that they could see the lines photoshop made around the edges very clearly. She screenshot the message and sent it to Raven, who said "LOL" and probably sent it to Wells, because a minute later he commented on the amount of times the person used the word "obviously".

Then Clarke got an alert. When she opened it, she found herself laughing again.

Please, as if you're actually Clarke

hey man, i totally am, i swear
and anyways, if you thought i wasnt,
why did you message me in the first
or even like my thing for that matter

I didn't, my sister did.
She screamed in my ear, and while
I was recovering from the ringing,
she swiped the page. I had no choice.

a likely story
well, sorry to disappoint, but i really
and truly am that ultra famous person
i can prove it!

She scrolled through her phone's old pictures, thumb hovering over one she hadn't posted on any other media sight, of her on set with Wells. Then she grinned and picked the one before it.


How much work do you think it
takes for me to go to her actual
twitter page and look at her recent
pictures? You could have easily
taken that from there.

hey, are you accusing me of

Let's see, I'm saying you're
pretending to be someone you're
not in order to get people to talk
to you online and possibly meet
up in real life.
I'm gonna go with yes.

i guess you caught me
i am not the real clarke griffin....
if someone called me out i would
not be able to please stand up

You can't tell, but I'm scoffing at
you on my end.

that's just mean
you're a mean guy
i'm the one allegedly committing
identity fraud and you're the mean
what does that tell you?

Nothing I didn't already know.

Clarke keeps messaging him through her break, telling him truthfully that she had to get back to her job, adding that it was an acting job, because she was Clarke Griffin ( ;) ). He sent her an eye roll emoji and that was that.

Until a couple days later when he messaged her again a while after some paparazzi "Caught Wells Jaha Cheating on Griffin!!".

Sorry about your two-timing

Bellarke One Shots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now