10) Cookies and Papercuts

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A/N not my story


Clarke huffed in defeat, glaring balefully at the pile of wrapping paper and ribbon before her. She'd been trying for the past hour to finish wrapping all of her Christmas presents, but all she had to show for it were a half a dozen papercuts and a building tension headache.

Clarke crumpled up the piece of wrapping paper in her hands and clambered to her feet. She would probably regret this, but it was time to call in reinforcements. She grabbed her phone off of the kitchen counter and dialed the familiar number. She listened to the ringtone, tapping her foot impatiently.

"Hello?" Clarke fought back the tiny smile that appeared at his voice.

"I need your help," she admitted. She could practically hear his smirk from the other line.

"Really, Princess?" he teased, "And how can I be of assistance today?" he asked. Clarke closed her eyes. Yep. Definitely going to regret this.

"Remember that winter you spent wrapping presents at the department store?" she asked.

"Vividly." Clarke grinned at Bellamy's sour tone. He'd spent an entire winter season griping about that particular job to anyone who would listen.

"Do you think you still have some of those famous wrapping skills you're always bragging about?" She closed her eyes at the note of desperation in her voice. This was getting dangerously close to begging, and Clarke Griffin never begged.

"You know it, Princess," he assured her, understanding the question without needing to be asked. "I'll be over in about an hour." Clarke breathed out in relief.

"Thank you," she breathed.

"Yeah, yeah," he laughed, "Just promise me hot chocolate and some of your famous ginger snaps and we'll call it even." Clarke laughed.

"Deal," she agreed. The phone clicked dead and Clarke shook her head. She needed to start on a fresh batch of cookies.

Clarke was placing the final cookie pan in the oven when her buzzer sounded, alerting her to someone at the door. Clarke quickly swiped her hair out of her face and hurried to answer it. She opened the door wide and grinned at Bellamy, who was busy brushing snowflakes out of his hair. He took one look at her and burst out laughing. Clarke frowned.

"What's so funny?" she demanded. Bellamy grinned down at her and raised one hand to swipe his thumb across her cheek. Clarke's breathing stuttered at the contact. Bellamy held out his thumb for her to see. It was covered in flour. Clarke blushed.

"Don't you think the flour should actually make it in the cookies?" he teased. Clarke narrowed her eyes playfully.

"Shut up and get in here," she ordered, leaving the door open for him as she went back to baking. She set the timer on the oven and then started cleaning up, putting away all of her ingredients. Bellamy followed her into the kitchen, leaning against the counter and grabbing at the bowl of cookie dough. Clarke watched as he swiped his finger along the bottom of the bowl and plopped the wad of dough in his mouth, humming with satisfaction. His eyes issued a playful challenge. Clarke raised an eyebrow.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you not to eat from the bowl?" she asked, hands on her hips. Bellamy waggled his eyebrows, smirking.

"What's the mater, Princess?" he teased, "My manners not up to code for you?" Clarke rolled her eyes.

"Pig," she threw at him, turning back to the mess. Bellamy took another swipe of the cookie dough and then set the bowl aside.

"Let me help," he offered, gathering up some of the dirty dishes and piling them in the sink. He grabbed a spatula from her hand and turned the water on. Clarke smiled.

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