35) The Literal Fall

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Bellamy and Clarke hadn't spoken to each other for a week.

The adults were absolutely baffled. Clarke and Bellamy didn't fight each other. They fought the adults, together.

(They fought the grounders, they fought the mountain men, they fought the entire damn moon and the whole wide Earth but always together).

The 100, or the 47, had a different opinion. And they'd be more annoyed at their leaders' antics if they weren't so telling; like, there was absolutely nothing serious to worry about so they had time fight over (the recently built) smoke house shifts and whether or not they should expand the camp borders.

(Jasper swore on the last chocolate cake he had ever eaten that was the reason of their latest quarrel, the stupid borders. Miller still thought it was the new Mess hall and Raven just laughed at their faces saying the reason was obvious, but she always failed to mention which it was.

Or she expected them to understand what she meant when she raised an eyebrow.

They did)

So after spending a whole week of glaring contests, unnecessary shoulder bumps, verbal sparring matches that would make even Kane blush and an overall insufferable dose of moodiness, Bellamy declared by the end of the week that he'd be surveying the woods around Camp Jaha.

The reason? Well, he wanted to know if it was safe to expand their limits.

Clarke's glare was so sharp that Abby was sure she'd fling a knife at his chest right then and there. The girl suddenly lifted her chin and crossed her arms, "I'm coming with you."

The boy mimicked her, crossing his arms across his chest and setting his lips into a thin line, "Good," he raised his eyebrows," I'm leaving in one hour."

"Good." She pricked her nose and refused to break eye contact.

"Great." His voice went higher and he marched out of their council meeting room.

The blond closed her hands into fists, taking a deep breath before leaving.

"Great. Meeting adjourned." Kane said unaffected and Abby glared at him.

"I thought it was an interesting meeting." Wick pointed out sarcastically, scratching the back of his head.

"Didn't Bellamy say he was against expanding the borders at the last council meeting?" Abby inquired.

Since no one ever thought that it was a good idea to leave two unbalanced people alone with all those pointy branches and piercing rocks available around them, Kane and Abby sent Miller and Murphy with them. Then Kane himself decided he should go too for good measure.

Then Abby caved in to her apprehensions and went as well.

Walking ahead of everyone, and probably forgetting why they were walking in the woods in the first place, Bellamy and Clarke were arguing loudly.

"Urgh. What was it this time?" Murphy asked Miller from where they walked a few feet behind the duo.

"Something about the camp perimeter." The boy mumbled, shaking his head as the council members only watched them.

"Are you serious?" the other whipped his head around,"Oh, that's just great, so I'm here walking in these damn woods, risking to get a spear in my chest, just because those two royal pains can't get over themselves?" he scoffed as he kicked some rock.

Miller actually snorted, "You're lucky you weren't around when Clarke tried to find some forest herbs on her own. She got lost and when she got back, 6 hours later, Bellamy was climbing the walls." He looked at the ground and shook his head slightly, remembering all the yells and shouts of that night," For a week, Clarke would tell everyone who asked for her help to 'suck it up' unless they were literally dying. Jasper cried and Raven almost blew Clarke up. But, the worst part was Bellamy. We had to hear his 'No Man for Himself, We're a team, we need to have trust and support each other if we want to be strong and survive" motivational speech at every single meal, for two weeks. At that point I didn't want to be strong and survive, I just wanted my damn food."

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