4) Visions

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"Clarke where the fuck are you"

Bellamy yelled through the woods she had sneaked out the camp with out anyone noticing except him she was arguing with Finn he grabbed a gun and followed her somehow he lost her then he heard a loud snap and followed it He saw Clarke on the ground holding her ankle. He sighed

"Stupid Princess"

He carefully walked over to her and tried to pick her up but she moved

"Im fine"

She stood up balancing more on the left foot than right she started limping back to camp

"Stubborn Princess"

"Shut up Bellamy"

They started walking then an arrow almost hit Clarke. Bellamy picked her up bridal style running towards camp

"Bellamy put me down"

"Not now Princess.....Open the gates"

The gates opened Bellamy was yelling orders and put more people on watch Clarke was still in his arms

"Blake you can put me down now"

He looked down at her and smirked Octavia came out of the drop ship because of all the yelling she saw Bellamy with Clarke in his arms 'but why' she thought she looked annoyed He carried her to the drop ship and laid her on the table

"Clarke what happened"

Octavia asked as they walked in

"She was being stupid and sprained her ankle"

Bellamy said backing up letting Octavia check her

"I wasn't being stupid it was an accident"

"Stubborn Princess"

He said before walking out Octavia wrapped her foot

"There you go done"

"Thanks O "

She carefully got off the table and limped to her tent she sat down she started thinking about what she saw. was it the radiation or was it a genetic. Earlier that day she saw a vision about someone following her but never saw their face then when her ran out she felt deja vú and it all happened as she was thinking she saw another vision

*"I'm gonna go out I'll be back in a while"

"Bellamy you can't go alone"

"Miller don't worry Your in charge till I get back"

"If your not back By nightfall were sending a search party"*

The vision ended she couldn't let Bellamy go out there after what happened to them he was being stubborn with out think she yelled his name

"Bellamy Blake you get your ass over here right now"

She heard him laughing like literally Laughing really hard

"Ahh what have I done to piss off the Princess this time"

He said walking in the tent

"Where the hell do you think your going, the grounders just attacked us and your planning to go out there alone are you out of your mind are you trying to get your self killed"

He looked more serious now and  shocked and confused

"Clarke how'd you know that I haven't told anyone I was gonna tell-"

Bellarke One Shots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now