31)Just another night shift

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A/N Not my story

Clarke had been on the night shift for five hours so she was really not in the mood for crappy excuses. Why she decided to work at an all-night vet was a good idea she’ll never know. She’d already treated two guinea pigs struggling to breathe because they were overweight, seriously people a diet of pizza is not okay. A cat with a burnt tail, after it had flicked it over a candle, the woman had looked worried enough so she didn’t think there was anything suspicious. And a dog with a broken leg was just the icing on the cake.

“You found him?”

“He was under my porch.”

“This dog is clearly well taken care of and you expect me to believe you found him.”

“Look lady I just wanted to get the dog some help and this place is the only vet open at 10pm.”

“If you think telling me this isn’t your dog will get you out of the fees then you’re very wrong.”

“I’m not trying to get out of fees! Are you always this pleasant to pet owners?”

“Ha! You admit you’re the owner.”

“Oh my- I’m not admitting anything!”

“But there is something to admit?” The man dragged his hands through his curly hair and his jaw was clenched tight.

“You know what I’m leaving. Just help the dog.” The guy spun on his heel and stomped out of the office door. The office was blissfully silent for a few minutes before the door banged open and the man stormed up to the counter.

“And by the way my name is Bellamy Blake. Just so you know who’s paying the damn fee!”

“And mine’s Clarke Griffin just so you know who’s saving your dog!”

“You are infuriating!”

“And you are irresponsible.”

“It’s not my dog you crazy person!” With that, Bellamy was storming back through the door and leaving Clarke with his dog. She wrote up a chart for the dog and wrote Bellamys’ name in big block capitals under owner.

It was totally his dog.


The dog was called Pepper and he was the cutest brown Labrador she’d ever seen.

Pepper also had a chip in his neck.

And it had a phone number registered on it.

Suck on that Bellamy Blake, they’d call him tomorrow and she’d have the last word.


The dog was being carried out of the practice as she walked in. Pepper was bundled up in a fluffy black blanket and in the arms of a man that was definitely not Bellamy Blake. Raven, one of the day vets, was explaining a prescription to a woman with a sick parrot. Clarke leaned against the reception counter and waited till she was finished before finding out where Pepper was going.

If she was going to question her then she needed to go for subtle. “So who was that with the black Labrador?” Way to go Griffin you really pull of subtle.

“His family.”

“What? No. His family is Bellamy a tall guy, curly dark hair, really deep brown eyes and freckles covering his face.” An amused smile broke across Ravens face as Clarke waved her hand around her face.

“That’s oddly specific. And that guy is not the owner, but apparently the family do know him. He lives down the street from them.”

“What do you mean the dog isn’t his?”

Bellarke One Shots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now