19) What the hell is a shenangan

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A/N not my story


Clarke was starting to think maybe whatever higher power there was out there had something against her. The last couple of months had been a living hell for her. It all started when her beloved Nikki died on her. She'd been devastated, refused to get out of the house and stop moping around. It didn't help her mom kept nagging her about her 'ridiculous' attitude. Stop being childish, Clarke. It's just a car. True, Nikki was a car, but not just any car; she was the car, a 1969 Chevy Camaro that had belonged to her father. It was one of her most cherished possessions she had left from him. Now it was gone. She seemed to be the only person affected by the loss, except for maybe Raven and Wick, who seemed to worship the car just as much as Clarke had.

Her bad luck streak didn't end there, though. Just two months after the car incident she found out her internship application for Ark Memorial Hospital had mysteriously disappeared; which meant it didn't go through on time, which resulted in her being stuck working at the local clinic instead. She had a gut feeling Finn's hand was involved in the missing application, he was still a bit miffed about their breakup.

To make things worse, just when she and Octavia had finished the paperwork and were ready to move into their new apartment they got a phone call from the building manager letting them know the main water pipes had burst, and the entire building had to be evacuated. It would take a while before the apartment was habitable again.

Now she was standing in the guest room of Bellamy Blake's apartment. Bellamy, Octavia's older brother. Bellamy, whom she'd shared a drunken kiss with during an argument about something she can barely remember. She does remember the kiss though, and how much she'd like for it to happen again. But she wasn't so sure if Bellamy wanted the same, after all, they spent most of their time fighting like cats and dogs.

"Are you sure your brother is okay with this, Octavia?" Clarke asked her friend as she finished setting her bags down in what would be their room for the next couple of days.

"Yes, Clarke." Octavia's muffled voice offered from somewhere in the kitchen, probably raiding Bellamy's fridge.

Clarke made her way into the living room and found her friend sprawled across the couch, munching on a sandwich. She was about to speak when Clarke stopped her with a look. They'd been over this, Clarke had no interest in seeing her best friend's lunch. Octavia rolled her eyes fondly and swallowed her bite before speaking.

"As I have already told you," she said giving Clarke a pointed look, "I spoke with Bellamy on the phone and he said he didn't mind us staying over while our apartment is getting fixed. He's not due here for a couple of days so we should have the place to ourselves."

"I just can't help but feel like we're intruding on his space. What happened with Jasper and Monty? And what about that girl he was seeing, Lexa was it?" Clarke asked airily.

She was now sitting next to Octavia and trying to steal some chips from the other girl's plate.

"Jasper is visiting his family in Ontario and Monty moved in with Miller, guess those two finally decided to take their relationship to the next level." Octavia smiled and wiggled her eyebrows.

Clarke shook her head in amusement and stole another chip earning a scowl from Octavia.

"And Lexa?"

"Yeah, Lexa and Bellamy are no longer a thing," Octavia started, "They broke up like, months ago. Keep up with the program Clarke." she teased.

"Sorry if my studies and internship prevent me from keeping up with your brother's dalliances. I stopped counting after Roma."

Bellarke One Shots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now