3) Bellarke

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Its been a week since the 100 landed on earth. They've manage to built a wall around and build tents for them to sleep in so far everything has been going smoothly well almost everything...

"FINN THERE IS NOTHING LEFT TO TALK ABOUT"Clarke yelled as she walked away


he grabbed her violently by her shoulders and turned her to face him she struggled out of his grip

"Finn get off me"

but his grip got stronger which was gonna leave her bruised

"Let go your hurting me"

She felt someone pull him away she looked to see who it's was and saw Bellamy holding Finn by his shirt which was kind of choking him and Miller and Adam standing behind him Clarke ran not wanting to confront any of them or see her break down

"Miller, Adam take him back to camp I'll go after the princess"

They nodded forcing him to move the other way Bellamy started running the way Clarke went. He noticed she tried to run faster but he caught up to her. She nearly tripped but he caught her by her waist.

"Careful princess"

He chuckled and she glared at him they heard a horn and looked at each other Bellamy grabbed her hand and started running. He open the door and jumped in she closed the door. They lit up the candles that were there

"How long do you think that'll last"

He asked Clarke but she was in the corner with he knees brought to her face rocking herself like a scared child he walked over to her and she flinched

"Princess are you ok?"

"Please leave me alone"

"Princess what did he do to you"

"Bellamy don't"

"You don't have to tell me it's painful I get it I just want to help I'm here for you Clarke"

He sat next to her putting an arm around her

"We slept together the day before Raven came and told me He loved me and never care about anyone but me that I was his one and only then the next day Raven came which was his Girlfriend she found out about me and Finn and Finn told her that I came to him and seduced him into have sex with me that I didn't care if he had a girlfriend then we started to argue and that's when all of this happened"

Her eyes were watery he pulled her into a hug

"Shh cry princess let it all out be human for a change"

She let out a small smile she placed her on his shoulder but before she did Bellamy placed a small kiss on her head she fell asleep in his arms

"I think we should stay here a little longer before getting back to reality princess"

"For once I completely agree"

They always have each others backs since day one giving each other smiles little hints that they knew they were in it together but of course Finn ruined it They stayed there 48 hours when they got back to camp Finn left the camp by choice everything was calm Bellamy and Clarke were getting closer. 2 weeks later they went out for seaweed and were caught in acid fog they went to the bunker as she closed the hatch Bellamy grabbed her by her waist and pulled her closer to him she giggled and he smirked (next part written by my dearest friend since I'm not good with this kind of writing) He pushed her against the wall she wrapped her legs around his waist he kiss along her jaw line down to her neck making her moan he went further down to her breasts. He pulled off her shirt and bra and she pulled off his shirt. He placed his mouth on her breasts sucking on them each and she moaned louder each time She hated when he teased her. She put her hand in his boxers stroking him. He groaned making her even more wet and wanting him more

"Please" she begged

"Patience princess"

He took her pants off and slipped one finger in her panties rubbing her making her hips rise

"Stop teasing Bellamy"

"Say it Princess"

She caught her breath

"Fuck me senseless Bellamy Blake"

That was all he needed the took of the rest of his clothes then slowly entered her letting her body adjust to his size he slowly thrust and then picked up his speed

"Feel good"

"Fuck yes"

"God your so tight baby"

"Faster please"

He thrust faster making her heart explode

"Come for me Princess"

And it was like on command he thrusted more then they reached there climax he rested on her both panting

"We should do this more often"

Bellamy smirked

"That's something I will forever enjoy princess"

(End of scene)

They put there clothes back on and fell asleep in each others embrace they always went back there when they needed each others company not just sex but a Shoulder to cry on

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