25) My Best Mistake

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I woke up to feel a draft against my skin as I sat up and stretched then a bursting headache surfaced, I drank way too much last night then the suddenly realization of moans and thrust I sat up and looked over seeing my own best friend naked Bellamy Blake in my bed. I covered my mouth in horror what did I do. I have Finn or had Finn. I suddenly remembered the sequence of events

Last Night

I was at the club dancing with Octavia his youngest sister partying away for my 21st birthday, then I saw over her shoulder Finn and the girl I knew as Raven sitting on his lap. I growled and went over.

"Finn, what the hell?!" I yelled

"Can we help you?" Raven interjected

"I believe, you're sitting on my boyfriend!" I shrieked

"Get real we've been together for three years, I'm visiting from Arizona."

"He said you two broke up." I said shrinking back

She stood up from her spot on his lap and looked at him furiously

"Finn!?" She yelling towards him

He stood guiltily

"Oh so you move somewhere new and you wanted to get someone new." Raven said furiously "We're done!"

She stormed out and there stood Finn and I, he was about to say something to me

"Save it, you broke my heart!" I cried running towards the exit

I ran out into the rainy storm into my car, I sat in the driver seat and hit my steering wheel in anger and hurt

Then there was a knock on my window, I saw it was Bellamy.

He and I have been best friends since basically we were born, we knew each other inside and out. We are always partner and crime and we always find a compromise when we start an argument

"Let me in it's raining cats and dogs!" He yelled

I unlocked the car and sat on the passenger side he slid in and closed the door

"What happened?" He asked softly

I whimpered and started crying

"Ssh you don't have to tell me now." He whispered hugging me to him

He smelled so nice for a guy nice and musky like the forests evergreen

"Can you just stay with me tonight?" I asked

"Of course, I would do anything for my best friend."

I smiled and wiped my tears

"Let me just go tell Octavia and we can go."

I nodded and sat back as he left

Then he was back in a flash, he started the car and drove me to his apartment, when we got inside I went straight to his liquor cabinet and grabbed Tequila.

"Woah slow down." He chuckled

I grabbed a shot grabbed and poured myself the tequila and drank. He came and sat next to me.

"So you want to tell me what happened?"

"Finn has another girlfriend." I sniffed

"What?!" He growled

"While I was dancing with Octavia I saw another girl that looked like his ex and I confronted her and she expressed that she was his girlfriend as well and she stormed out and then I left without hearing his final say and here we are.

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