37) How can i say 'Let's date' in Trigedasleng?

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"Clarke, wake up!" Octavia shouts from another room. They have Trigedasleng class today...in an hour. Octavia has been waiting for the class in a year, her boyfriend Lincoln (surprise, surprise) speaks fluently the language and Octavia, of course, loves to hear him speaking it. And Clarke isn't morning person, we all know that. "CLARKE GET KNOCKED DOWN, GET UP" Octavia barely whispers to her ear. Clarke frightens and almost fell from her bed. "What was that for?!" She rubs her head and looks at Octavia. Octavia looks shiny and all that smiley face makes Clarke ask "Why are you so excited?" Octavia is about to open her mouth but Clarke waves her hand to stop her "You know what, i think i know already"

In fifteen minutes, Clarke got up from bed and got dressed while Octavia naps her phone. Octavia and Clarke are roommates and they both are like lost twin sisters. Octavia has a brother- Bellamy and in Clarke's opinion, he is an asshole. The nicknames he gives her (example, Princess) is getting to Clarke's nerves and Clarke's nerdy stuff and stubbornness plus being more awesome than him (Clarke's words, not mine) is getting his nerves. In fact, they haven't seen each other for weeks so it's really quiet in group nowadays. Octavia presses 'Bellamy' on her phone and calls him. Bellamy answers with sleepy voice "Wh-wh-what now" he says with yawn. Octavia rolls her eyes and takes bite of a sandwich "Bell, did you forget what happens in almost forty five minutes?" Clarke could hear Bellamy groan from the phone. "Shit, no i didn't... maybe" Octavia rolls her eyes and presses 'end call'

Clarke puts leather jacket on and raises her eyebrow "It's hard to believe that i am saying this; but I feel your brother" Octavia hits back of Clarke's head "Shut up"

Clarke and Octavia met Bellamy in front of Trigedasleng class. Bellamy is wearing jeans, black shirt and a jacket. Octavia hugs him and after that she punches him in the arm. Clarke snorts and put her hand on her mouth. "Ow! What was that for?" Bellamy rubs his arm. "I thought you wouldn't show up! Because 'oh she's just a little sister and i don't care about trigedasleng'" Octavia says with low voice. Bellamy sighs, "When did i ever said that?" Clarke steps a little between them and whispers "Yesterday" and steps back. Bellamy glaces over Clarke and gives her an angry look. Clarke smirks and crosses her hands. "I never said 'she's just a little sister' and maybe that trigedasleng part is true" Bellamy admits. Octavia rolls her eyes and smiles. Trigedasleng classroom's door opens and there is a teacher who tells people to come in and sign names. Octavia rushes without saying anything. Now it's awkward for Bellamy and Clarke, they both are standing and don't say anything. "So..." Clarke breaks the silence. Bellamy looks at her. Clarke shakes her head to point at the class. "We should go" Clarke says and walks towards the classroom. Bellamy still stands and looks at exit door. "Bellamy, she's your sister and trust me, I don't want to be here either and we seriously need to get along before Octavia blows our heads off together" Clarke says. Bellamy sighs loudly and starts to walk. "Did she force you to take this class, Princess?" And there it goes. Bellamy's annoying-ness strikes again, Clarke thinks. Bellamy smirks. Clarke is trying to take it easy. "Yep"

Bellamy laughs "I thought i raised her better" he jokes. Clarke chuckles. This isn't bad as Clarke thought it would be.


"Next!" Teacher waves at Bellamy.


"Bellamy Blake"

The teacher writes his name down and gives him a book.

"Welcome, Belomi" she says with an accent. Bellamy looks confused "Who?" before the teacher says something, Octavia pulls Bellamy away from her and Clarke hears Octavia say "It's your name in this language, oh god, Bellamy" she facepalms herself.


"I'm Clarke Griffin"

"Welcome, Klok" and in that moment Bellamy laughs way too hard and he couldn't breathe so well, Octavia hits his back but she couldn't stop smirking either. Clarke takes a book from the teacher and walks away. She takes a chair next to Bellamy and she gives Bellamy a death stare. "Why the grumpy face, Klok?" Bellamy imitates the accent. "Shut up, Belomi" Clarke says and punches his arm with the book.

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