29) We're no strangers to love

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A/N Not my story

They were calling it the party of the year. Sure, it was only the middle of February and there were still almost 11 months left for it to be topped, but it wasn’t an event to be missed. At least not according to Octavia, who had scored a handful of tickets for the event and promptly distributed them among their friends. What better way to spend Valentine’s, she had pointed out, than at a raging nightclub party with your closest friends?

By the time Bellamy launched himself over the velvet rope, legs aching, lungs straining and almost an hour late, said friends had long ago disappeared into the club. Too eager to wait as lights and thumping music spilled out the door, they’d left Octavia and Lincoln to wait outside for him. After reading him the riot act for delaying her getting into the party, Octavia caught him up on what he’d missed so far.

“So, Monroe and Lexa, and Jasper and Harper kind of gave up waiting for you after like 10 minutes and they went right inside. And then Miller and Monty went in not long after. And I guess the hospital kept Clarke late, or I wouldn’t even be surprised if she volunteered to stay because really, who wants to be single and alone on Valentine’s Day, and her love life has been terrible since Finn in college. But anyway, Murphy was waiting for her, and Raven for you so the two of you didn’t have to go in together and make it awkward since they’re totally handcuffing couples together, but they gave up about 15 minutes ago and just went in together.”

Despite having practically raised the woman standing in front of him, Bellamy still had a terrible time retaining information when Octavia started to talk without even stopping for a breath. It took a second, but finally it all filtered in. Handcuffs? Though that explained the decorations on the ticket that was burning a hole in his pocket right now. And then the second piece of information hit him. He wasn’t the only one who was late.

Oh no. Oh no.

But it was already too late. Octavia was staring off somewhere behind him and waving excitedly. And then there she was, striding toward them, blonde hair in a messy, falling down updo and carrying herself with the poise he had come to expect from an upper class soon-to-be doctor.

He stared mutely as the two girls hugged each other and chatted for a brief moment as he tried to compose himself. Finally they seemed to become aware of the people around them.

“Hi Lincoln.” Clarke greeted the older man first, before barely sparing a glance in Bellamy’s direction. “Bellamy.”


She pointedly ignored his short greeting, turning instead back to his sister and launching into the tale of her day at work. As they had all expected, Clarke’s rounds had apparently kept her late and soon enough she had brushed the serious topic and appeared to be distracting Octavia from complaining about her work hours by complimenting his sister’s shoes.

As they talked, Bellamy let his eyes run over Clarke, smirking and holding back laughter as he took in the much more obvious imperfections in her look for the night. Her hair, usually so perfectly put together, was falling apart, and her makeup looked rushed and slightly smudged. The zipper of her dress was undone to almost halfway down her back, and with a little satisfaction, he reached over and tugged it up, drawing her attention to him.

“I’m pretty sure you lost one of your false eyelashes between the hospital and here, Doctor Barbie.” Bellamy quipped at the blonde beside him, and she shot him a blistering stare. If looks could kill, this one would have definitely have at least landed Bellamy in the hospital. Honestly, he wasn’t even sure he would have minded ending up in the hospital. It would almost surely be less painful than the uncomfortable situation that was about to unfold here.

Bellarke One Shots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now