6) Girl Next Door

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"O get come eat were gonna be late"

4 year old Octavia came out of her room dressed in a pretty sky blue dress

"Ooo you made pancakes"

"Yup hurry up and eat"

They sat down and ate when they heard a loud thump across there apartment

"I'll go see what it is you stay and finish your breakfast"

Bellamy was dressed in his cop uniform he got up and saw a pretty blue eyed blond holding a pretty big box for her size

"Here let me"

She looked at him and gladly gave him the box and opened the door

"Thank you"

"No problem.....you just move here"

"Um Ya I got transfer to Ark Memorial Hospital "

"So your a Doctor"

"Ya and by the look of it I'm guessing your a cop"

He chuckled


"Well that was the last of my boxes I'm sorry but I need to leave or I'm gonna be late"

"Oh Ya me too Octavia come on were leaving"

they walked out of her apartment and saw Octavia waiting Bellamy locked the door

"Aww your daughter is so cute"

Bellamy chuckled, Clarke looked at him confused

"She's my little sister"

Clarke went down to her height

"Hi I'm Clarke"

Octavia looked at Clarke like she was studying her then she smiled and hugged her surprising both Bellamy and Clarke

"I'm Octavia but you can call me O"

"Well O we better get going or were all gonna be late"

"Ya come on Clarke do you wanna lift the hospital its a block away from the police station"

"Uh Ya sure only of its ok with O th-"


Octavia eagerly yelled which made Them laugh

"Well then let's go"

They dropped off Octavia at preschool which was her first day

"Clarke can you and Bell come with me"

She looked up at Bellamy and he nodded

"Ya sure"

They got off and went in the class room Octavia started talking to some kids in her class. Her teacher walked towards them

"Hi you must be  Octavia's parents"


"Oh excuse me"

She left to some crying kids before they could say anything Bellamy turned towards her

"We should probably go"

She nodded they said goodbye to Octavia and got in his car and then pulled up to the hospital They turned and looked at each other Clarke broke the silence

"I'm Clarke Griffin by the way "

"Bellamy Blake"

"Well Blake thanks for the ride see you around"

Bellarke One Shots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now