5) Cutie

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The 100 have been on earth for 8 Months. 7 months for Raven 7 months since Finn cheated on both of them but awesomely Clarke moved on. She turned 18 the week  they were there It was early in the morning the sun wasn't out yet Bellamy woke up with Clarke in his arms they've been having a secret relationship she always left before anyone woke up but today Bellamy wakes up before her he leaves to go do something Bellamy carves into the side of the drop ship Clarke comes out and sees what he did

"Bellamy Blake what the hell did you do"

"Your mine princess"





"Fine can we go back to our tent"

"Yes my Princess"

They went back Later they heard Octavia yell


Then Monty and Jasper

"Does this mean we can call them mom and dad to there faces now"

They waited a while to come out once they did everyone cheered and congratulated them, then Finn showed up

"You have no claim over Clarke you think just cause you wrote that on the drop ship she'll automatically like you"

Everyone was starting at them

"Listen here Spacewalker- "

She put a hand over his chest

"Bell I think it's time to tell everyone"

Everyone looked confused and kept staring at them then Clarke spoke up

"Me and Bellamy have been going out for 5 1/2 months-" most people seemed like it was obvious

"-as a result to that we were waiting to tell everyone that- "

She looked to Bellamy and he nodded

"We've been waiting to tell everyone that  we are.....we're having a baby"

Everyone jumped and screamed in joy Octavia jumped on both of them

"Do you know What this means I'm going to be the first aunt in 97 years"

They laughed Finn glared at Bellamy and Bell just smirked everyone went back to there jobs Clarke was gonna walk to the med bay but Bellamy pulled her back

"I love you Griffin "

"I love you Blake"

........8 months later............

"I hate you......you did this to me"

"Hey princes it take two to tango"


(Lincoln delivers the baby)

"Ok Clarke it time you need to push"

"Push 1..2..3..Push 1..2..3.one more push come one Clarke you can do it..Push"

*baby crying*

"Wait is see on other head Clarke you need to push"

She pushed and pushed

"Okay Clarke almost there....."

*Baby crying*

"No more right"

She said breathless

"No. .Congratulations ... a beautiful baby girl and a handsome baby boy"

"What should we name them"

Bellamy spoke up first

"How about Jake for the boy"

"I love it thank you and For the girl Aurora"

He looked at her in awe

"Thank you.........I think the camp want to see the twins"

A few minutes later The walked out of the drop ship Clarke carried Jake and Bellamy carried Aurora

"100 I present to you Aurora and Jake Griffin-Blake"

They cheered on the arrival and the lived happily ever after....... The end

Soo I dont know about this story I'm writing a long one, but this was a meanwhile story ,while I'm finishing the other one shot .......

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Bellarke One Shots Book 1Where stories live. Discover now