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I dont want to be what I am.

I dont want to have what I have.

I dont want to do what I can do. 

I want a normal life, with a normal house and a normal family.

Unfortunately, the world doesn't give a shit what I want. It shoved me into a life that I never asked for.

I remember the day it all changed. How could I forget? The day my parents made it crystal clear just how much they hated me. I dont blame them, being called the 'freak family' takes its toll. They didnt know how to react when their daughter started playing with glowing orbs of dark matter in the living room. They didnt know what to do when their kid started developing new, strange powers. They didnt know what to do when their own child woke up crying every night because of the intense pain and hallucinations she was having. They didnt even try to hide the fact that they were scared of their own child. They didnt ask for a child that was more powerful than them. So, when a very charismatic and very rich man approached them, offering to free them from their nickname and  their "special" daughter, they couldnt refuse. The man said that I would be "put to good use", whatever the hell that means. I was raised without parents, in a cold, unfeeling environment. I'd like to think it was a better life than being raised in a home where my own parents were terrified of me. I try to think of the positives, what very few there are. Sadly, if someone goes out, offering a huge sum of money for a little girl with uncontrollable powers, they dont usually plan to take those abilities away. People always have an alterior motive, I learned that one real quick. I really try to forget everything that happened after my parents gave up on me. Which, is why I'm wondering, why the hell am I sitting in this car?

(A/N: oooo, cliffhanger!!! Sorry it's so short! Thanks for reading!! <3 )

[I do memes or photos after each chapter cuz you cant beat a good meme]

[I do memes or photos after each chapter cuz you cant beat a good meme]

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YN in the car thinking about her trauma

Thaw [Loki X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now