Waiting game

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After hearing Stephen's solemn news, everyone was clearly stressed. I tried my best to lighten the mood.

"Well, I guess we just have to make sure that we win, then." I said, looking up at the others. "I mean, one in fourteen million is an insanely small chance but, we are the Avengers, and if we cant save the universe..." I looked to Tony.

"You know damn well were gonna avenge it." He finished, half smiling. "Fury was right about you, Y/N. With you, I have a good feeling that were gonna get that one in fourteen million." I smiled and looked to the others, who were nodding in agreement.

"Well, we'd better get ready, then. Were expecting guests any time now!" I said, looking up to the sky, for any kind of ship. "And I'm looking forward to ripping that glove off that oversized grape."

"Yeah, it will be satisfying." Tony commented.

[Loki's POV]

She has quite the way of speaking. Even after the sullen words of Strange, she found a way to encourage everyone.

"Loki, can I speak with you?" Tony's voice, speaking my name cut through the air. I looked to him, confused. Now is not the time for quarrels. Seeing that he did not look enraged made me wonder. Hesitantly, I walked with him to a secluded area.

"Listen, I was a complete dick, back when we rescued your people." He started, standing nervously in front of me. "I mean, I was really trying to try and make peace, but you have to admit that-" I gave him a confused face, and it stopped him from continuing.

"Okay, what I'm trying  to say is.."

Are my ears deceiving me?  Surely he is not doing what I think he is....

"I'm sorry."

The words echoed around in my head.

"I'm sorry for being such a hotheaded cock... It's just, New York really screwed with my head, and I know it wasnt you doing all that, but a part of me still blames you. As much as I'd like to forget it, I cant. I just want to make things right now, before all this goes down." His face was sympathetic, a rare expression i have never before seen on him. "I'm sorry for you know, trying to lock you up." He looked down. "And trying to kill you..." I never expected him to change his mind about me, but, I wont lie and say I'm not relived he has. "You did a good thing, giving Thanos the tesseract, well not necessarily good, but, you saved all our asses. Thanos would've went through all of us to get that." He gave me the faintest of smiles.  "And you're doing a good thing, now, fighting him with us. I was wrong about you."

"And I, you." I replied, still shocked that he was apologizing.

"So," he straightened his back and perked up. "we good?" He outstretched his hand. I looked to him and took it, shaking his hand in an act of agreement, and peace.

"Yes." I was glad that we could make amends, I didn't want to fight alongside an enemy. Stark was quick to anger, but he wasnt wrong for being bitter. I still do not forgive myself for New York. The fact that he is trying to makes him very noble. I was wrong about this mortal. It was a true that he has quite the temper, but, as do I. We walked back to the group and Y/N approached me, a worried expression on her face. She mouthed the words "all good?" and I nodded, smiling. Her face perked back up, and she turned around.

"Anyone wanna practice before Thanos comes? I need to perfect one of my newest moves." She formed a sword in front of her, and swung it in a strange motion. "Its called the grape juicer. I made it with one specific person in mind." She said, setting the sword in the ground next to her. An opportunity has arisen, and I'm not letting it slip away this time.

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