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Once the ship was in the air, we resumed discussing the plan.

"That's what I'm worried about, Stark. There's one person who should've been able to do something about the situation." Thor said.

"Shes one Valkyrie. She can't fight a whole group of pirates by herself." Loki responded.

"Yes, but shes not alone, there's plenty of men and women there who are capable of defending that ship."

"What if they all decided it would be better to not engage?" I asked. They both shook their heads. "Okay, what if the people who captured the ship are too powerful?" I tried to think of any way the people on that ship could be alive. I now understand why they were so tense, the people there were strong warriors, like Thor, they wouldn't just, give up an entire ship of their own people. Not without a fight.

"That's what were afraid of." Loki responded, looking at me.

"What if these guys are using the ship, as like, bait? What if they dont want the people on it, but the people that are gonna come for it?" Peter asked, from where he was standing. Everyone started at him, surprised. Holy shit, hes right. Why doesn't Stark let him come on missions? He's obviously smart, and has the motivation.

"Wow, kid, that's an extremely good point." Tony remarked, tilting his head, in a ponderous manner. I motioned for Peter to stand next to me at the table. He perked up and darted over, excitedly.

"Nice job, Peter. I never thought of that." I said, smiling. He grinned widely.

"So, if that's true, which is very likely, we'll have to modify Y/N's plan." Clint said, looking to the screen. The map showed a few planets and the relative location of the hijacked ship. He sat, puzzling for a moment.

"What is on this planet?" Peter asked, pointing to a larger planet, close to the ship. Loki groaned loudly.

"Only the most obnoxious person in the galaxy." He said, rubbing his forehead.

"I thought you liked Sakkar?" Thor asked.

"I did, until I realized it was ruled by an idiot." He replied, rolling his eyes.

"But, can we touch down and drop off people there, safely?" Clint asked.

"Possibly. If Loki still has Grandmaster wrapped around his finger." Thor said, winking at his brother. Loki gave him a look of warning.

"I am not returning to that planet."

"Loki, we have to do this, as much as I hate to say this, its either suffer for a moment on Sakkar, or possibly lose your people." I said, leaning to meet his eyes. He looked at me.

"I agree with Y/N." Nat said, sitting up. I turned to her and smiled. She nodded and glanced at Loki.

"Brother, all you have to do is ask Grandmaster to let us relocate the people there, while we solve the pirate problem."

Loki threw his hands in the air. "Do you not understand what you're asking me to do? You think that idiot is going to just let me dump a bunch of people on his planet?" He was right. Whoever this Grandmaster guy was wouldn't be crazy for refusing to let us do that. I hope Loki was in good enough relations with him to at least get another ship. Wait. Another ship!

"Does this guy have any ships that he could lend us?" I asked. Surely he has some. "I mean, it's more logical than asking him to house a bunch of people on his planet."

"Now you're onto something." Tony said, tapping on the planet on the screen and pulling up some information on it.

"Yes, but on the rare chance that he let's us use one of his ships, will it be enough? I mean, Sakkar isn't the best planet to get good, safe things." Bruce said, looking over his glasses.

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