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*1 month later*

"Avengers to room A3" FRIDAY announced. I sighed and sat up.

"This better be good." I said. I was curled on the couch with Loki, reading a book.

We both headed to the elevator, reluctant to leave the library. When we got in, Loki wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and rested his head on top of mine. I leaned back and smiled.

The elevator dinged and Loki let go. I was swept off the ground, and picked up bridal-style.

"Hey!!!" I shouted in surprise.

He carried me all the way down the hall and into the room, deaf to my protests. Once we got inside the room, he ste me down on my feet and Tony made fake gagging sounds.

"If you two dont stop being so adorable, I'm gonna puke." he teased, earning a small smack from Nat. "FRIDAY, give us the rundown."

On the screen in front of us, an old building popped up. It was rundown and decrepit, and looked to be an old military base. I was surprised to see Bucky was also in the room, so I walked to stand next to him, along with Loki. It looked familiar, but I couldn't quite place where I remembered it from

"This is rumored to be a hiding place for HYDRA." FRIDAY informed us, switching to a few photos of familiar faces. "Strucker had some very loyal followers." I saw Bucky stiffen next to me, and clench the fist of his metal arm.

Strucker, that fucker. He was one of the "doctors" that helped me "test" my powers. By test, I mean he experimented on me until I couldnt move.

The screen flashed with other photos, Stiles, Grimley, Cisel. All faces I really hoped never to see again. The faces alone brought back ugly memories.

"HYDRA has been using this building as a testing facility. There have been large power surges detected there. We belive it's a group of Enhanced."

"If it's alright with you guys, I call that one." I said, pointing to Stiles. He was the agent that was responsible for the death of Antony Brown.

"Uh, that the thing." Steve said, straightening his back. "We thought it would be best if you...stayed back." he chose his words carefully, as if I would be offended by their decision.

"Oh, that's fine. Just, whoop that guys butt extra for me, then." I shrugged.

"Were just hoping you had any information on those punks, and it seems like you do." Tony told me, motioning for me to step in to the screen.

I walked to the screen and tapped on the image of Stiles. I laughed at the "information" section. Everything about him was wrong.

"Sorry, this is not right at all-" I said, tapping a few times and pulling up a note section. "He never created any Enhanced, he only maintained them." My eyes went wide for a moment when I saw a familiar name. Bucky let out a small breath and nodded.

"Would you look at that..." I tapped on the name.

-Anastasia Petlov-

Alias: Icebreaker

Age: 16

Complete Assasinations: 137

Incomplete Assassinations: 0

Activation Phrase: Орда, Ролл, Опрос, Бытие, Педаль, Закат, Дневной свет, Браслет, Куртка, Замок (Horde, Roll, Poll, Genesis, Pedal, Sunset, Daylight, Bracelet, Jacket, Lock)

Additional information: Works best with The Winter Soldier. Extremely proficient in stealth missions. M249 weapon of choice.

"Who's that?" Steve asked. "-and she only 16?"

"Damn, that's a mean kill count." Nat commented

"Its also wrong."I added, typing in the notes.

Kill count: 265

"How do you know that?" Tony asked, sitting forward and leaning his elbows on his knees.

"Come on, guys!" I said, looking around. "Don't you think I look like an Anastasia?" I saw the realization hit everyone like a truck. I wasn't proud of my past, not at all. I only hoped that it wouldnt change the way they saw me.

"You were 16 and taking people out with an M249?!?" Clint asked, sounding both surprised and impressed. My skills were great, but I was ahsamed of why I had them.

"Yep. These are old files, of course."

"Buck, you and Y/N worked together?" Steve asked.

"Often." Bucky answered, nodding.

"You guys know never to say those words to me, right?" I looked around, happy to see everyone nod. Everyone but Loki, who just looked confused.

"Why?" he asked.

"Its a trigger phrase, it will make her snap into Icebreaker mode." Bucky told him. "Which is not a good thing." he added.

The next image was of the inside of the building. I suddenly knew where I had seen it before.


"They'll be fine. Stop worrying." Loki said, tilting my face to the side to look at him.

"Its Bucky I'm worried about." My eyes darted down. "He shouldn't have to go back there. They didnt want me going, why do they want him to? He was an agent, just like me."

"I dont know, but I'm sure they're fine." he kissed my forehead. "Now, follow me." he said, smiling and turning around.

Sorry this chapter is so short!


Clint: "you were 16 and taking people out with an M249?"



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